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  1. The Freedom of Solar Systems.Mathis Koschel - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-30.
    This essay discusses how, for Hegel, freedom can be realized in nature in a rudimentary fashion in solar systems. This solves a problem in Kant’s account of freedom, namely, the problem that Kant only gives a negative argument for why freedom is not impossible but does not give a positive account of how freedom is real. I give a novel account of Kant’s negative argument. Then, I show how, according to Hegel, solar systems can be considered as exhibiting freedom in (...)
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  2. The Substantial Subject: The Logic and Appearance of Freedom in Hegel.George Saad - 2024 - Dissertation, Memorial University of Newfoundland
    While it is widely agreed that Hegel’s philosophy is a philosophy of freedom, the significance and scope of Hegel’s theory of freedom is disputed. Most scholarly work on this topic has been devoted to the socio-political philosophy of the Philosophy of Right. But Hegel also speaks of freedom in a way which extends beyond the concerns of his socio-political thought. This dissertation demonstrates how Hegel’s theory of freedom is more fully grasped when it is understood as a comprehensive philosophy which (...)
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  3. The Beginning of Hegel's Logic.Robb Dunphy - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (5):1-10.
    This article discusses two topics, both commonly referred to using the label “the beginning of Hegel's Logic”: (1) Hegel's justification for the claim that a science of logic must begin by considering the concept of “pure being”. (2) Hegel's account of the concepts “being”, “nothing”, and “becoming” in the first chapter of his Logic. Discussing recent work on both of these topics, two primary claims are defended: Regarding (1): the strongest interpretations of Hegel's case for beginning a science of logic (...)
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  4. The Idea of Nature – Kant and Hegel on Nature, Freedom, and Philosophical Method.Mathis Koschel - 2023 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    The topic of this dissertation is the concept of nature and how Kant and Hegel each conceive of it. Both agree that <nature> cannot be an empirical concept but is rather presupposed in all experience and object-related thinking. Yet, Kant holds that we can only conceive of nature as a unified whole when we conceive of it as a mechanical system. Whereas, according to Hegel, the unity of all the different kinds of natural phenomena can only be accounted for by (...)
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  5. Stephen Houlgate. Hegel on Being. [REVIEW]Robb Dunphy - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (3):297-305.
  6. Machine-Believers Learning Faiths & Knowledges: The Gospel According to Chat GPT.Virgil W. Brower - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 7 (1):97-121.
    One is occasionally reminded of Foucault's proclamation in a 1970 interview that "perhaps, one day this century will be known as Deleuzian." Less often is one compelled to update and restart with a supplementary counter-proclamation of the mathematician, David Lindley: "the twenty-first century would be a Bayesian era..." The verb tenses of both are conspicuous. // To critically attend to what is today often feared and demonized, but also revered, deployed, and commonly referred to as algorithm(s), one cannot avoid the (...)
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  7. Life and Actuality: On Placing Possibility in Hegel's Modal Metaphysics.Ekin Erkan - 2021 - Cosmos and History 17 (3):171-195.
    This paper looks at dialectical inferences as they relate to Hegel’s modal metaphysics, closely examining the Actuality section of Hegel’s Science of Logic and positing a reading of Hegel’s modal actualism that engages with two strains of secondary commentary. Responding to commentators, we make the case that Hegel’s ‘das Logische’ avoids presupposing possibility’s being prior to actuality insofar as actuality and the derivation of possibility is considered as the in-itselfness of actuality, an implicit inner moment whereby actuality further determines itself. (...)
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  8. review of Robert Pippin Hegel's Realm of Shadows (University of Chicago Press 2018). [REVIEW]Dennis Schulting - 2021 - Hegel Bulletin 42 (3):480-485.
    I review Robert Pippin's "Hegel's Realm of Shadows" (University of Chicago Press 2018) for the Hegel Bulletin. A draft can be read on my website (see link below). Or download below. See also the appendix (philpapers link below).
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  9. Thomas Sören Hoffmann: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Eine Propädeutik. Wiesbaden, Marixverlag, 4ªed. 2020. [REVIEW]Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2021 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 6 (2):265-270.
  10. Marina Bykova, Kenneth Westphal (Eds.): The Palgrave Hegel Handbook. [REVIEW]Robb Dunphy - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews 6.
    Review of the Palgrave Hegel Handbook. Although the coverage of the volume is wide-ranging, this review focuses mostly on material relevant to Hegel's logic, epistemology, and metaphysics.
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  11. Antropologia pragmatista. Padova Lectures.Michael Quante & Armando Manchisi (eds.) - 2020 - Padova PD, Italia: Padova University Press.
    What does it mean to be a person? And in what way is this connected to our finitude, i.e. to the properly human aspect of our existence? By analyzing some of the core features of our form of life (personal identity, self-consciousness, freedom, autonomy, responsibility), Michael Quante answers these questions arguing that it is possible to be a person and lead an authentically human life only within social relationships of recognition: only in these relationships, it is possible to know oneself (...)
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  12. Direzioni di adattamento. La critica al non-cognitivismo etico nella Logica di Hegel.Armando Manchisi - 2019 - Teoria 39 (2):259-271.
    One of the strongest arguments that ethical non-cognitivism uses in its own defense is that according to which knowledge and will structure themselves as different “directions of fit”: while knowledge, in order to be correct, implies that the mind has to fit the world, the will, in order to be effective, requires that the world has to fit the mind. Non-cognitivists thus believe that moral judgments are expression of will alone, and not of knowledge, and cannot therefore be considered true (...)
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  13. L’idea del bene in Hegel. Una teoria della normatività pratica.Armando Manchisi - 2019 - Padova PD, Italia: Verifiche.
    The chapter on the Idea of the Good is a very important step in Hegel's Logic. In these pages, the German philosopher analyzes the fundaments of practical rationality through a reflection that today we would call "metaethical": by investigating the nature of the norms and ends that guide will and action in their interaction with reality, Hegel provides the "fundamental grammar" of his practical philosophy. The volume aims to reconstruct Hegel's texts, while showing their possible contributions to the contemporary ethical (...)
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  14. Hegel’s “Idea of Life” and Internal Purposiveness.Daniel Lindquist - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (2):376-408.
    The first part of the final section of Hegel's Science of Logic, the section on "The Idea", is titled "Life". Logic being the science of thought for Hegel, this section presents Hegel's account of the form of thought peculiar to thinking about living beings as living. Hegel's full account of this form of thought holds that a living being is (1) a functionally organized totality of members (2) that maintains itself in and through its environment (3) in the manner of (...)
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  15. El Comienzo de la Existencia en Hegel y Kierkegaard.Gabriel Leiva Rubio - 2018 - Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 83:265-280.
    This text aims to contrast the metaphysical beginnings of the philosophies of Hegel and Kierkegaard. For this task, the notion of Being Pure of the Hegel of Logic will be used in relation with the concept of Irony that Kierkegaard expresses in his Concept of irony. The need for this "contrast of beginnings" seeks to clarify, from a “metaphysical awakening”, the evident theoretical courtship that has so far distanced by the dominant historiographical traditions of continental philosophy.
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  16. Logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhteesta Hegelillä.Lauri Kallio - 2017 - Niin and Näin 24 (1):104-111.
    Logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhde on keskeisimpiä Hegelin filosofian herättämiä kysymyksiä. Hegelin mukaan hänen systeeminsä ensimmäinen osa eli logiikka ja toisen ja kolmannen osan muodostava reaalifilosofia vastaavat toisiaan. Hegelin tuotannossa on kuitenkin aineksia monenlaisille tulkinnoille tästä vastaavuudesta. -/- Yleensä ajatellaan, ettei Hegel ei tarjonnut tyydyttävää selitystä logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhteesta. Jos otamme tämän tulkinnan lähtökohdaksi, on kysyttävä, miltä osin Hegelin lupaama vastaavuus ei toteudu. Toiseksi on kysyttävä vastaavuusvaatimuksen merkitystä Hegelin filosofialle ylipäänsä. Johtaako luopuminen logiikan ja reaalifilosofian vastaavuudesta absoluuttisen idealismin hylkäämiseen?
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  17. The Oxford Handbook of Hegel.Dean Moyar (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Features original articles by some of the most distinguished contemporary scholars of Hegel's thought, The most comprehensive collection of Hegel scholarship available in one volume, Examines Hegel's writing in a chronological order, from his very first published works to his very last, Includes chapters on the newly edited lecture series Hegel conducted in the 1820s Book jacket.
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  18. Retroactive Dialectics and Value in Marx's Capital.Italo Alves - 2016 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 7 (1).
    In this paper I expose Caligaris and Starostas argument on the logical character of the initial moments in Hegels and Marxs dialectics; I argue that the categories of Marxs theory of labor-value must be read in such a way that value, or substance of value, is taken non-substantially, arising only with the emergence of exchange value, or the value-form; Finally, I attempt to justify this reading from the standpoint of the idea of self-posited presuppositions, as developed by Slavoj Zizek.
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  19. Comparison between Hegel’s Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching’s Yin-Yang-I (Change).Ma Zhen - 2016 - Asian Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 1 (6):1-15.
    This article introduces a cross-cultural comparative study on Hegel’s Western triad of Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching (including Tao-Teh-Ching, TTK)’s Eastern triad of Yin-Yang-I (Change). The study exposes the similarities and differences between the two triads in three aspects: concept, internal motivation, and external manifestation. Results include: (1) Hegel’s “Tao” is not identical to that of the Yin-Yang paradigm; (2) Hegel’s envision of Becoming is intrinsically far away from the essence of I-Ching’s I.
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  20. Hegel’s modal argument against Spinozism. An interpretation of the chapter ‘Actuality’ in the Science of Logic.Franz Knappik - 2015 - Hegel Bulletin 36 (1):53-79.
    I propose a new reading of Hegel’s discussion of modality in the ‘Actuality’ chapter of the Science of Logic. On this reading, the main purpose of the chapter is a critical engagement with Spinoza’s modal metaphysics. Hegel first reconstructs a rationalist line of thought — corresponding to the cosmological argument for the existence of God — that ultimately leads to Spinozist necessitarianism. He then presents a reductio argument against necessitarianism, contending that as a consequence of necessitarianism, no adequate explanatory accounts (...)
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  21. Hegel's Science of Logic.Michael Wolff - 2013 - In Allegra de Lauentiis Jeffrey Edwards (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Hegel. Bloomsbury Academic.
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  22. Hegel on the Beginning of Science.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2012 - In Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Hegel’s Theory of Judgement: A Treatise on the Possibility of Scientific Inquiry. Brill. pp. 93-119.
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  23. The Problem of ‘Ultimate Grounding’ in the Perspective of Hegel’s Logic.Dieter Wandschneider - 2012 - In Thamar Rossi Leidi & Giacomo Rinaldi (eds.), Il pensiero di Hegel nell'Età della globalizzazione. Aracne Editrice S.r.l.. pp. 75–100.
    What corresponds to the present-day ‘transcendental-pragmatic’ concept of ultimate grounding in Hegel is his claim to absoluteness of the logic. Hegel’s fundamental intuition is that of a ‘backward going grounding’ obtaining the initially unproved presuppositions, thereby ‘wrapping itself into a circle’ – the project of the self-grounding of logic, understood as the self-explication of logic by logical means. Yet this is not about one of the multiple ‘logics’ which as formal constructs cannot claim absoluteness. It is rather a fundamental logic (...)
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  24. The Truthful Comprehension of Reality.Bhakti Madhava Puri - 2011 - The Harmonizer.
    The objective here will be to take the subject (ego) and object (thing) that are held fixed, separate and in opposition to each other by the understanding and explicitly show them to be dialectically related in the dynamical movement of thinking. The dialectical movement of thought was explained by example in the propositional statement, S is P. The movement of the unified Concept as a whole, in which the fixed subject and object are considered as mere moments, constitutes the basic (...)
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  25. Hegel's account of contradiction in the science of logic reconsidered.Karin de Boer - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (3):345-373.
    This article challenges the prevailing interpretations of Hegel's account of the concept "contradiction" in the Science of Logic by arguing that it is concerned with the principle of Hegel's method rather than with the classical law of non-contradiction. I first consider Hegel's Doctrine of Essence in view of Kant's discussion of the concepts of reflection in the first Critique. On this basis, I examine Hegel's account of the logical principles based on the concepts "identity," "opposition," and "contradiction." Finally, I point (...)
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  26. A commentary to Hegel's Science of logic.David Carlson - 2007 - New York: Palgrave Macmillian.
    This book constitutes a major advancement in the study of Hegelian philosophy by offering the first full commentary on the monumental The Science of Logic , Hegel's principal work which informs every other project Hegel ever undertook. The author has devised a system for diagramming every single logical transition that Hegel makes, many of which have never before been explored in English. This reveals a startling organizational subtlety in Hegel's work which heretofore has gone unnoticed. In the course of charting (...)
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  27. The Logic of Hegel's 'Logic': An Introduction.John W. Burbidge - 2006 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel has seldom been considered a major figure in the history of logic. His two texts on logic, both called The Science of Logic, both written in Hegel's characteristically dense and obscure language, are often considered more as works of metaphysics than logic. But in this highly readable book, John Burbidge sets out to reclaim Hegel's Science of Logic as logic and to get right at the heart of Hegel's thought. Burbidge examines the way Hegel moves from (...)
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  28. Hegel's Critique of Essence: A Reading of the Wesenlogic.Franco Cirulli - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume shows how _The Doctrine of Essence_ intersects with perennial philosophical questions including above all, the relationship between freedom and determinism. _The Doctrine of Essence_ is of central importance, since it is a critical description of traditional categories which also functions as the justification of Hegel's speculative understanding of essence. This study takes an historical approach to build upon Hegel's abstract argument, viewing it as a confrontation with his predecessors, inparticular - Fichte and Schelling.
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  29. The antepenultimacy of the beginning in Hegel's logic.David Gray Carlson - 2005 - In Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  30. Hegel's Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God.Robert M. Wallace - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book shows that the repeated announcements of the death of Hegel's philosophical system have been premature. Hegel's Philosophy of Freedom, Reality, and God brings to light accomplishments for which Hegel is seldom given credit: unique arguments for the reality of freedom, for the reality of knowledge, for the irrationality of egoism, and for the compatibility of key insights from traditional theism and naturalistic atheism. The book responds in a systematic manner to many of the major criticisms leveled at Hegel's (...)
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  31. Freiheit, Realität Und Gott-welt-verhältnis In Hegels Argument Zur Wahren Unendlichkeit.Robert M. Wallace - 2003 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 5 (1):137-141.
  32. Hegel’s Science of Logic and Idea of Truth.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 1983 - Idealistic Studies 13 (1):33-49.
    To criticize a philosopher’s views properly a primary requirement is an accurate understanding of the questions he raises, the problems he acknowledges, and the procedures he follows. In the following study I attempt to identify the specific question of truth which Hegel addresses, the basis of the sort of skepticism posing a serious threat to its resolution, and finally a strategy he adopts. The specific question of truth for Hegel is a question of metaphysical truth or, in the Cartesian terms (...)
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  33. "Hegel's Science of Logic," trans. A. V. Miller; and "Introduction to the Reading of Hegel," by Alexandre Kojeve, ed. Allan Bloom, trans. J. H. Nichols. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1970 - Modern Schoolman 48 (1):66-68.
  34. G. R. G. Mure, A Study of Hegel's Logic. [REVIEW]G. Watts Cunningham - 1950 - Ethics 61 (3):238-.