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  1. What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Good? On the Structural Function of the Practical Idea in Hegel’s Logic.Armando Manchisi - 2024 - In Goran Vranešević (ed.), The Idea of the Good in Kant and Hegel. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press. pp. 27-46.
    The subject of this paper is the meaning of the concept of “good” in Hegel’s philosophy. The main thesis that is argued is that the good in the Logic, unlike the good in the Philosophy of Right, fulfils a structural function, i.e., it is relevant to Hegel’s whole system, and not only to his practical philosophy, since it is the condition for ascribing to reality and knowledge a practical nature as well as a teleological-evaluative structure. Drawing on some metaethical distinctions, (...)
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  2. The Idea of the Good in Kant and Hegel.Goran Vranešević (ed.) - 2024 - Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press.
    The Idea of the Good in Kant and Hegel is the first book to provide a comprehen­sive treatment of the good as a central concept in classical German philosophy, while at the same time opening up areas of interest that have not traditionally been associated with this subject. The contributors to this volume, eminent scholars in fields related to the topic, engage with current debates on Hegel, Kant, morality, and the fundamental status of the good. They offer a systematic introduction (...)
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  3. What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Good? On the Structural Function of the Practical Idea in Hegel’s Logic.Goran Vranešević (ed.) - 2024 - Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press.
    The subject of this paper is the meaning of the concept of “good” in Hegel’s philosophy. The main thesis that is argued is that the good in the Logic, unlike the good in the Philosophy of Right, fulfils a structural function, i.e., it is relevant to Hegel’s whole system, and not only to his practical philosophy, since it is the condition for ascribing to reality and knowledge a practical nature as well as a teleological-evaluative structure. Drawing on some metaethical distinctions, (...)
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  4. Miguel Giusti. La travesía de la libertad: ensayos sobre Hegel. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021. [REVIEW]Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2022 - Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos (Reh) 19 (34):166-171.
  5. Hegel e il determinismo.Emanuele Cafagna - 2015 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 94 (3):588-609.
    Hegel’s concern for determinism induced some scholars to interpret his practical philosophy as a form of determinism or as a form of compatibilism. Against both interpretations I will show some historical features of determinism at the edge of XVIII Century aiming to explain Hegel’s concept of determinism. I will pay a special attention to the debate between Ulrich and Kant’s criticism as well as to the peculiar development of kantian presuppositions in Fries’ philosophy. I will illustrate how this debate influenced (...)
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  6. Hegel: En ganske enkel bok om en vanskelig filosof.Sigurd Hverven - 2024 - Oslo: Dreyers forlag.
    Den tyske filosofen Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel har betydd så mye for vår forståelse av historie, modernitet, frihet og fremskritt at han garantert preger måten du tenker på – kanskje uten at du vet det selv. -/- Hva skjer når Hegels tanker møter vår tid? Det er spørsmålet, når den unge filosofen Sigurd Hverven tar med Hegel på en rundreise i vår samtid. Boka viser at sentrale hegelianske ideer – om frihet, anerkjennelse, historie, fremmedgjøring og kjærlighet – fremdeles er relevante (...)
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  7. Colonial Slavery, the Lord-Bondsman Dialectic, and the St Louis Hegelians.Miikka Jaarte - 2024 - Hegel Bulletin 45 (1):43-64.
    Hegel's lord-bondsman dialectic has been of especially great interest to progressive and radical Hegelians—broadly speaking, politically left-leaning interpreters of Hegel who object to certain social hierarchies and demand their abolition. They read Hegel as giving an account of how ‘lordship’ over others is an inherently unstable and unsatisfying social formation, even for its supposed beneficiaries. Marxists, feminists and post-colonial theorists have all found inspiration in Hegel's analysis of the lord and bondsman by applying it to concrete relations of oppression, such (...)
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  8. Carla Cordua. Estudios sobre Hegel. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2019. [REVIEW]Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2023 - Littera Scripta. Revista de Filosofía 5:155-161.
  9. Introduction.Thom Brooks - 1985 - In Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–6.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Background The Philosophy of Right : New Essays, New Insights Note Abbreviations References. -/- Hegel's Philosophy of Right presents a collection of new essays by leading international philosophers and Hegel scholars that analyze and explore Hegel's key contributions in the areas of ethics, politics, and the law. The most comprehensive collection on Hegel's Philosophy of Right available Features new essays by leading international Hegel interpreters divided in sections of ethics, politics, and law Presents significant new (...)
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  10. The Logic of Self-Realization in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Armando Manchisi - 2022 - Studia Hegeliana 8:211-222.
    The concept of “self-realization” plays a central role in philosophy, since it summarizes the idea that a good life is a flourishing life, that is, an existence in which a person makes the best of what she is. A long tradition has understood this in terms of actualizing one’s potential or fulfilling one’s highest and most worthy aspirations. The aim of this paper is to analyze Hegel’s Logic and Philosophy of Right, in order to show that they outline an alternative (...)
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  11. History and Philosophical Method: Hegel, Stewart, and Chinese Religion.Andrew Komasinski - 2022 - The Owl of Minerva 53 (1):1-29.
    Here, I consider three issues in Jon Stewart’s Hegel’s Interpretation of the Religions of the World chapter on Hegel’s treatment of Chinese religions in the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. First, I show how Stewart’s compilation of multiple courses into one unified entity hides the substantial promotion of its status in the 1831 lectures. Second, I contend that rather than identifying Hegel’s Chinese religion with the ancient Zhou practices as Stewart does, Hegel sees it as referring to state Ruism (...)
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  12. The Life of Form: Practical Reason in Kant and Hegel.Thomas Khurana - 2022 - In Patricio A. Fernandez, Alejandro Nestor Garcia Martinez & Jose M. Torralba (eds.), Ways of Being Bound: Perspectives from post-Kantian Philosophy and Relational Sociology. Cham: pp. 47-70.
    This chapter investigates the Kantian idea that a rational life is a life of “mere form”—a life in which a “mere form” is the force or spring of action. I start by developing Kant’s practical notion of life—the capacity to be the cause of what one represents. In a second step, I investigate the way in which Kant characterizes a rational life—the capacity to act in accordance with the representation of laws and to determine ourselves by the mere form of (...)
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  13. A IMAGEM DO ABSOLUTO: HEGEL E A TRAGÉDIA DA VIDA ÉTICA EM EUMÊNIDES, DE ÉSQUILO.Wilson Franck Junior - 2017 - In Douglas João Orben, Everton Maciel, Jaderson Borges Lessa & Leandro Cordioli (eds.), A INVENÇÃO DA MODERNIDADE.
    A tragédia de Orestes, escrita pelo tragediógrafo grego Ésquilo, influenciou decisivamente o pensamento ético-político de Hegel. Em seu ensaio sobre o Direito Natural (1802-1803), o filósofo alemão associa seu conceito de absoluto com sua interpretação da tragédia grega, ato com o qual expõe sua concepção da vida ética absoluta, dando continuidade à ideia que havia esboçado, no âmbito teológico, em "O Espírito do cristianismo e seu destino", i.e., a de que o destino e a justiça trágica forneceriam os termos de (...)
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  14. Die Idee des Guten bei Hegel: Eine metaethische Untersuchung.Armando Manchisi - 2021 - Hegel Studien 55:11-40.
    In the pages devoted to the ‘Idea of the Good’ in the Science of Logic and in the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Hegel analyzes the relationship between practical rationality and reality, and in this way develops a form of philosophical analysis that today we would call ‘metaethical’. The aim of this paper is to explore this interpretative hypothesis, in order not only to shed light on extremely complex and still little studied texts, but also to demonstrate their possible contribution (...)
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  15. Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy.Thom Brooks - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2021:Online.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) developed a philosophy based on freedom within a wider philosophical system offering novel views on topics ranging from property and punishment to morality and the state. Hegel’s main work was the Elements of the Philosophy of Right (“PR”) first published in 1821. Many of his other major works include discussions or analyses connected to his social and political philosophy. He also wrote various political essays during his career, many of which have been translated (Hegel 1999). (...)
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  16. Review of Etica, Politica, Storia universale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Urbino, 24–27 ottobre 2018). [REVIEW]James Wakefield - 2020 - Il Pensiero Storico. Rivista Internazionale di Storia Delle Idee 8:351-355.
    A review of Etica, Politica, Storia universale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Urbino, 24–27 ottobre 2018), edited by Giacomo Cerretani and Giacomo Rinaldi.
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  17. A teoria hegeliana da justificação moral.Armando Manchisi - 2020 - Problemata 11 (4):134-160.
    The contribution pursues two interrelated aims: the first one is to interpret the transition from Morality to Ethical Life in the "Elements of the Philosophy of Right" as a theory of moral justification; the second one is to show the meaning of this theory for contemporary philosophy. The essay thus seeks to turn to Hegel’s conception in order to shed light on the limits of the current discussion in moral epistemology and then to present a possible alternative. To this end, (...)
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  18. Human solidarity in Hegel and Marx.Andrew Chitty - 2018 - In Jan Kandiyali (ed.), Reassessing Marx's social and political philosophy. Routledge studies in nineteenth-century philosophy. London: Routledge.
    The chapter asks what is the source of 'human solidarity', understood as concern on the part of human beings for the well-being of other human beings as such, in Hegel and Marx. It first describes the emergence of the view that humans are 'species-beings' in Marx's writings. It then shows that this view is closely related to Hegel's view of human beings as conscious subjects who are rationally driven to become universally self-conscious.
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  19. La realtà delle norme pratiche. Linee per un confronto fra Hegel e McDowell.Armando Manchisi - 2017 - In Giovanna Miolli & Luca Corti (eds.), Hegel e McDowell: esperienza, verità, normatività. pp. 21-48.
    The relation between normativity and reality represents one of the most important and challenging issues that metaethics has to deal with. Both Hegel and McDowell have faced the problem in an original way, by reaching philosophical positions that reveal interesting similarities. The core of their proposals, in fact, is the idea that both the extremes of ethical antirealism (for which norms are completely dependent on subjectivity) and strong ethical realism (for which norms are completely independent from subjectivity) provide unsatisfying answers. (...)
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  20. Direzioni di adattamento. La critica al non-cognitivismo etico nella Logica di Hegel.Armando Manchisi - 2019 - Teoria 39 (2):259-271.
    One of the strongest arguments that ethical non-cognitivism uses in its own defense is that according to which knowledge and will structure themselves as different “directions of fit”: while knowledge, in order to be correct, implies that the mind has to fit the world, the will, in order to be effective, requires that the world has to fit the mind. Non-cognitivists thus believe that moral judgments are expression of will alone, and not of knowledge, and cannot therefore be considered true (...)
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  21. Review of Judith P. Butler 'Subjects of Desire. Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-century France'. [REVIEW]Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (1):174-175.
    A review of Butler's first book. An English version has been posted.
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  22. Thinking Outside the Circle: The Place of Kierkegaard in Stern's Understanding Moral Obligation.William Bristow - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (6):606-621.
    In Understanding Moral Obligation, Robert Stern presents an interesting account of the history of ethics from Kant through Hegel and Kierkegaard. I argue that Stern in this account misinterprets Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling and Works of Love by reading them as presenting a Divine Command Theory of moral obligation, as a philosophical account meant to compete with those of Kant and Hegel. It mistakes, indeed subverts, Kierkegaard's purposes to read him as engaging in a philosophical dialectic in these texts. I (...)
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  23. Watsuji's Reading of Hegel: Modernity as a Philosophical Problem in Watsuji's Rinrigaku.Liederbach Hans Peter - 2016 - In Takeshi Morisato (ed.), Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 8: Critical Perspectives on Japanese Philosophy. Nagoya: Chisokudo Publications. pp. 384-420.
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  24. Social Conceptions of Moral Agency in Hegel and Sellars.David Baumeister - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (2):249-265.
    This essay contributes to our understanding of the relation between the philosophies of Hegel and Sellars. While most treatments of this relation have focused on metaphysics or epistemology, I focus on ethics, and in particular on the formulation of moral agency. I argue that Hegel and Sellars arrive at a similar metaphilosophical rejection of individual moral agency in favor of conceptions of moral agency as the outcome of social mediation. To demonstrate this, I trace how Hegel and Sellars offer parallel (...)
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  25. Comment on Terry Pinkard's ‘Virtues, Morality and Sittlichkeit’.Ardis B. Collins - 1999 - European Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):239-246.
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  26. The Founding Act of Modern Ethical Life: Hegel's Critique of Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy.Stefan Bird-Pollan - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (4):535-537.
  27. Conscience, Recognition, and the Irreducibility of Difference In Hegel’s Conception of Spirit.Nathan Andersen - 2005 - Idealistic Studies 35 (2-3):119-136.
    Hegel’s conception of Spirit does not subordinate difference to sameness, in a way that would make it unusable for a genuinely intersubjective idealism directed to a comprehensive account of the contemporary world. A close analysis of the logic of recognition and the dialectic of conscience in the Phenomenology of Spirit demonstrates that the unity of Spirit emerges in and through conflict, and is forged in the process whereby particular encounters between differently situated individuals reveal and establish the emerging character and (...)
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  28. The Moral Foundations of Hegel’s thought. [REVIEW]Werner Beierwaltes - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (2):140-141.
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  29. The Doctrine of the Awareness of Wrong in Hegel’s Legal Philosophy. [REVIEW]Johannes Balthasar - 1980 - Philosophy and History 13 (1):3-4.
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  30. Tragedy, Comedy, and Ethical Action in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.Marcos Bisticas-Cocoves - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):95-115.
    For most readers of the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel’s example of “Ethical Action” is taken from Sophocles’ Antigone. In fact, however, Hegel provides us with a trilogy of tragic examples. The first is Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannos; the second, Aeschylus’s Seven against Thebes; Antigone is but the third. Further, just as a dramatic trilogy was followed by a satyr play among the ancients, ethical action’s final moment is taken from Aristophanes’ Ekklesiazousai. These four examples do not form a simple series where (...)
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  31. Understanding Punishment as Annulment.Jami L. Anderson - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 13:215-226.
    Hegel claims that punishment is justified because it annuls crimes thereby revealing the criminal act for what it is, a will “null and void.” In this paper I analyze the complex notion of annulment, arguing that Hegel is claiming that punishment does not change the past, but alters the status of the criminal will so as to reveal that will for what it is, a violation of a victim’s rights. In short, punishment invalidates the criminal's will and validates the victim's (...)
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  32. Hegel and the State University.Jeffrey Reid - 2000 - The Owl of Minerva 32 (1):5-19.
    The creation of the University of Berlin in 1810 was the result of interaction between the state and philosophy, two human expressions whose relationship, at least since Socrates' death and Aristotle's exile, has tended to be problematical. That university, which became an important model for North American institutions of higher learning, was from the outset a state university; it was designed and run by the state, as opposed to what was previously the rule: institutions dependent on the Church or princes. (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Hegel’s Philosophy of Freedom. [REVIEW]Thom Brooks - 2003 - The Owl of Minerva 35 (1-2):70-73.
    Paul Franco offers us an examination of Hegel’s political philosophy that will surely be welcomed by all scholars in the field. Most welcoming is Franco’s admonition at the very beginning that Hegel’s Philosophy of Right belongs to a select group of masterpieces in political philosophy, including Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Politics, Hobbes’s Leviathan, and Rousseau’s Social Contract. As the literature on Hegel’s political thought continues to bloom, this will be all the more apparent the longer this trend continues.
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  34. Inheriting, Earning, and Owning.Lydia L. Moland - 2003 - The Owl of Minerva 34 (2):139-170.
    Hegel’s “Anthropology” considers components of an agent’s practical identity that are not chosen but rather inherited: components such as the agent’s temperament, talents, and ethnic background. Through a discussion of habit and happiness, Hegel explores how these inherited traits can become part of the agent’s self-determination. I argue that this process provides a model for explaining how we are obligated within roles we do not choose—roles for instance within the family or as citizens of a state. Through evaluation of an (...)
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  35. The Dialectic of Conscience and the Necessity of Morality in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (2):181-189.
    Hegel’s account of conscience at the conclusion to the chapter on morality in the Philosophy of Right has had more than its share of detractors. Theunissen tries to explain why the account is “so meager,” Findlay deems it “thoroughly scandalous,” and Tugendhat goes so far as to label it the pinnacle of a “no longer merely conceptual, but rather moral perversion.” Even commentators committed to rescuing Hegel’s discussion of conscience from such extreme reproaches agree that it is “one-sided” and “problematic.” (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Hegel's Implicit View on How to Solve the Problem of Poverty.Joel Anderson - 2001 - In Robert R. Williams (ed.), Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right. State University of New York Press. pp. 185-205.
    Against those who argue that Hegel despaired of providing a solution to the problem of poverty, I argue, on the basis of key dialectical transitions in Hegel's Philosophy of Right, that he held at least the following: (1) that the chronic poverty endemic to industrial capitalism can be overcome only through changes that must include a transformation in practices of consumption, (2) that this transformation must lead to more *sittlich* and self-conscious practices of consumption, and (3) that the institution best-suited (...)
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  37. Hegel's Ladder.J. M. Bernstein - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (4):803-818.
    The goal of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is to achieve absolute knowing. Minimally, knowing can be absolute only if it is unconditioned or unlimited; that is, only if it is not essentially contrasted with some other possible knowing—say, God's—or is not restricted such that it necessarily does not pertain to certain items—say, freedom of the will, the immortality of the soul, or God. Knowing can be absolute only if these items, appropriately interpreted, are within its scope. However, if it can (...)
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  38. The Ethical Theory of Hegel: A Study of the Philosophy of Right. Hugh A. Reyburn.H. Barker - 1923 - International Journal of Ethics 33 (2):216-218.
  39. Review of Hegel's Theory of Responsibility by Mark Alznauer. [REVIEW]Arto Laitinen - 2016 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2016.
  40. The Instrumentality of Passion in the World of Reason.Schlomo Avineri - 1973 - Political Theory 1 (4):388-398.
  41. Hegel's Concept of Virtue.Andrew Buchwalter - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (4):548-583.
  42. Rawls, Hegel, and Personhood.Peter Benson - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (3):491-500.
  43. Zum Freiheitsbegriff Hegels.Franz Ungler - 1994 - In L. Höbelt (ed.), Freiheit und Verantwortung. pp. 39-51.
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  44. Un “mistero incomprensibile”: il problema mente-corpo nella filosofia dello spirito di Hegel.Stefania Achella - 2012 - Etica E Politica 14 (2):8-27.
    The essay aims to analyze the relationship between mind and body in the Hegel’s philosophy of subjective spirit. Through a rapid reconstruction of the influences of emerging empirical sciences, such as biology with his vitalist positions, physiognomy and phrenology, the essay aims to highlight not only the role that in the structure of Hegel’s view assumes the teleological vision derived from Aristotle, mediated by third Kantian critique, but also the epistemological significance of the Hegelian methodological attitude. Hegel rejects the attempts (...)
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  45. Libertà del volere e concetto di persona nella filosofia dello spirito di Hegel.Emanuele Cafagna - 2012 - Etica E Politica 14 (2):68-102.
    Hegel’s definition of ‘free will’ and ‘person’ gets over a phenomenological or psychological definition of these concepts. My essay explains how Hegel justifies the placing of his theory of free will in a philosophy of Mind analyzing the concept of ‘recognition’ in the Phenomenology as a section of the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences as well as the main steps of The practical Spirit, the second part of the section Psychology. With regard to this last science my essay clarifies the essential (...)
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  46. On Development: World, Limit, Translation.Victoria I. Burke - 2002 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 31 (2).
    Martha Nussbaum and Seyla Benhabib have raised the question of how the Western subject might engage with the non-Western other in a non-imperialistic fashion. However, both of these feminist thinkers propose a universalist framework, consistent with Donald Davidson’s conclusions regarding the translatability of ”conceptual schemes”. Drawing upon the thought of G.W.F. Hegel and Walter Benjamin, I argue that the historically constituted subject that emerges in the wake of the Enlightenment affords an account of subjectivity that recasts the meaning of rationality (...)
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  47. Personal Respect, Private Property, And Market Economy: What Critical Theory Can Learn From Hegel.Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (5):573-586.
    The aim of the present paper is to show that Hegel's concept of personal respect is of great interest to contemporary Critical Theory. The author first analyzes this notion as it appears in the Philosophy of Right and then offers a new interpretation of the conceptual relation between personal respect and the institutions of property and markets. In doing so, he shows why Hegel's concept of personal respect allows us to understand markets as possible institutionalizations of this kind of recognition, (...)
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  48. Hegel’s Moral Concept of Evil.Timothy Brownlee - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (1):81-108.
    The central aim of this article is to set out the essential elements of Hegel’s conception of evil. I demonstrate that Hegel understands evil primarily as a moral phenomenon. In particular, he identifies evil as a pernicious subjectivism and hypocrisy that undermines the social and institutional conditions for ethical action. An appropriate understanding of his conception of evil points to the centrality of trust to ethicality (die Sittlichkeit).
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  49. Hegel and the Normativity of the Concept.Victoria I. Burke - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (3):161-166.
    A lexical unit of meaning, or the concept, involves not just two moments, the rule and the following of the rule, but two reciprocally dependent moments. I argue that this links meaning to value. As a reciprocal relation, truth as normative is constituted by what Hegel calls ethical substance, which exists only between more than one consciousness, or, as Hegel would say, moments of consciousness. I read these two moments as the two shapes of consciousness that Hegel calls the master (...)
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  50. Talents and Interests: A Hegelian Moral Psychology.Christopher L. Yeomans - 2013 - Hegel Bulletin 34 (1):33-58.
    One of the reasons why there is no Hegelian school in contemporary ethics in the way that there are Kantian, Humean and Aristotelian schools is because Hegelians have been unable to clearly articulate the Hegelian alternative to those schools’ moral psychologies, i.e., to present a Hegelian model of the motivation to, perception of, and responsibility for moral action. Here it is argued that in its most basic terms Hegel's model can be understood as follows: the agent acts in a responsible (...)
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