About this topic
Summary What are the virtues of childrearers? What are the imperfect duties of childrearers? What, if anything, do children owe to other children and to adults? What laws and institutions contribute to childhood wellbeing? What makes a child's life go well for her or him? How does childhood wellbeing contribute to lifetime wellbeing? Do children's rights protect only children's interests, or can they also protect (some of the) children's choices? What rights do children have? What are the imperfect duties of childrearers? What, if anything, do children owe to other children and to adults? What laws and institutions contribute to childhood wellbeing? How do social expectations and cultural norms impact on children's wellbeing? What are the feasibility constrains on implementing children's rights and on promoting children's wellbeing? What are the virtues of childrearers?

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  1. Investigar En Filosofía e Infancia: Trayectorias, Multiplicidades y Comienzos. El Investigador(a) Como Potencia de Una Mirada.Karen Julieth Chacon Quiroga & Oscar Pulido Cortes - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-30.
    El texto presenta resultados del proyecto de investigación de la exploración del medio al espíritu investigativo en perspectiva de filosofía e infancia (FeI). Esta indagación hace parte de las preocupaciones teóricas y metodológicas que los grupos de investigación Aión: tiempo de la infancia y Gifse de la Uptc vienen desarrollando e implementado en instituciones de educación básica y media, especialmente en zonas rurales. Este artículo centra su atención en las siguientes preguntas: ¿qué significa investigar en perspectiva de filosofía e infancia?, (...)
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  2. Multicultural Citizenship Education and the Community of Philosophical Inquiry.Sang Wook Park - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-28.
    Modern civic education in multicultural society faces two diametrically opposed challenges: universality and diversity. Those who emphasize universality argue that multicultural civic education should be based on universal values, goals, and concepts. However, those who emphasize diversity say that different concepts and ideals should be allowed and respected across cultures, genders, ethnicities, etc. Multicultural education aims to promote the coexistence of people from different cultural backgrounds within a nation. In this article, I seek a way between these two extremes by (...)
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  3. Actitudes Del Profesorado Ante la Filosofía Con o Para Niños/As.María Miguélez Vila & Manuela Raposo Rivas - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-28.
    El Programa de filosofía con y para niños ‘FiloHilo’ surgió de la posibilidad de trasladar desde el Prácticum a las aulas procesos de innovación y renovación pedagógica basados en el diálogo y la práctica filosófica. Son multitud los estudios que nos permiten afirmar que la Filosofía para niños/as se ha transformado en una actividad efectiva, posible y necesaria para todas las edades, ya que atiende a la necesidad propia del ser humano: la pregunta, el cuestionamiento, la duda. Pero estos procesos (...)
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  4. Review of Arie Kizel’s Enabling Students’ Voices and Identities: Philosophical Inquiry in a Time of Discord. [REVIEW]Susan T. Gardner - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-06.
    La reseña presenta y analiza el libro de Arie Kizel, Enabling students’ voices and identities: philosophical inquiry in a time of discord.
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  5. The Philosophy of Liberation for/with Children: In Search of Liberation and the Creation of an Ageless Pueblo.Erick Javier Padilla Rosas - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    From its origins, the philosophy of liberation has had both a critical and a creative aspect. The first seeks to critically examine domination, dependency, and the permanent effects of colonization. The second aims to create and re-create the liberation of peoples, developing and reconstituting ways of existing, imagining, thinking, and philosophizing that surpass colonial ways of existing, imagining, thinking, and philosophizing. Thus, for the philosophy of liberation, the liberation of peoples is distinguished from the notions of emancipation and freedom that (...)
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  6. Pensamiento multidimensional: hacia una comprensión más compleja y humana de la racionalidad.César Augusto Mora Alonso & Bibiana Judith Cruz Rivera - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:1-23.
    Este artículo se propone realizar un acercamiento a la concepción que desarrolla Matthew Lipman sobre las múltiples dimensiones transactivas del pensamiento, con la intención de apreciar la forma en que aporta a la consolidación de una racionalidad que tenga como características distintivas la complejidad y el humanismo; en virtud de ello, se analizan las tres vertientes principales del pensamiento multidimensional, a saber: crítica, creativa y cuidadosa. La consecuencia del escrutinio arroja que la interacción y reciprocidad que se da entre las (...)
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  7. Devir-Violão: Um Desafio (À Filosofia e À Educação) da Inf'ncia.Fulvio Barreira Vicente Santos & Jair Miranda de Paiva - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-13.
    Este artigo busca ressoar um percurso de sensibilização vivido por um professor que descobre a força desestabilizadora e inspiradora da infância das crianças durante as aulas de filosofia. Ao investigar a (im)possibilidade das crianças fazerem filosofia, vemos semelhanças com a experiência de tocar violão, o qual transformamos em um personagem conceitual para nos ajudar a (re)pensar o ensino de filosofia para crianças. Ensaiamos, neste texto, formas de explorar os sentidos que se desprendem de experiências vividas entre a infância e a (...)
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  8. Adultcentrism and the children's Classroom: If You Want to Teach Them You Must Know Who They Are.Edgar Eslava - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    The paper addresses academic adultcentrism from the perspective of the pre-service instruction and practice of philosophy teachers, based on the experience we have gained while leading a Didactic of Philosophy seminar for a Philosophy and Letters academic program where students are engaged in the designing, implementation and evaluation of academic material and class performance for K-12 schools. After giving a brief presentation of the context in which philosophy teaching takes place, and a description of the logic and horizon that set (...)
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  9. Religious Schools.Michael S. Merry - 2024 - In Ritzer George (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell.
    Over the past 45 years there has been increasing vocal opposition to religious schools, particularly in Western Europe. Only some of this opposition is related to the perception that some religious schools might be excluding the less fortunate. Much of the opposition rests on the conviction that it is no longer tenable to fund and support so many religious schools when the number of persons professing religious belief has sharply declined. This argument, buttressed by the belief that Europe has undergone (...)
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  10. İLKOKULDA BİLİM YOLCULUĞU.Kalyon Demet - 2023
  11. Sobre la Necesidad de Una Filosofía Para/Con Madres y Padres En El Programa de Filosofía Para/Con Niñas y Niños.Juan Carlos Sarmiento - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-38.
    este artículo es un ejercicio de reflexión crítica y propositiva en torno a algunos de los fundamentos, intereses, supuestos y prácticas en desarrollo del programa de filosofía para/con niñas y niños (FpcN). Las críticas y las propuestas aquí sugeridas son el resultado de la mirada de un extraño, de un auténtico foráneo que ha observado y pensado desde los lindes de otra alameda los orígenes y algunos de los desarrollos del trabajo de Mattew Lipman y sus colaboradores. Es la mirada (...)
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  12. Inf'ncia e Invisibilidade: Por Uma Pedagogia Do Oculto.Daniel Gaivota Contage - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-15.
    O que se oculta na escola? Em oposição à pergunta mais tradicionalmente feita em educação – o que a escola revela? – esta pesquisa encontra caminhos mais escuros para pensar as potências presentes nos tempos e espaços escolares. A partir dos desdobramentos gerados por pesquisa encerrada em 2016 (AUTOR, 2017), este texto tateia cegamente as possibilidades de uma escola que, ao invés de trazer à luz, atenta mais para aquilo que está obscuro, escondido, oculto. Através da leitura de pensadores da (...)
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  13. Identity and Populism Begone! The Role of Philosophy in Healing a Shattered and Divided World.Laurance Joseph Splitter - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-21.
    Populism and tribalism are increasingly prevalent characteristics of so-called democratic societies. In this paper, I shall explore some of the reasons for this trend, including conceptual confusions about the nature of identity and the collectivist/individualist dichotomy; the decline of legitimate media outlets and their replacement by social media and their attendant narratives which have little regard for truth telling, consistency or moral norms; and the failure of voters to uphold their responsibilities as democratic citizens. I shall argue that while populism (...)
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  14. Collaborative Problem-Solving and Citizenship Education: A Philosophical Escape in the Age of Competencies.Marina Santi - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-19.
    Starting from the Italian results of the PISA 2015 surveys as regards the competence of young students in collaborative problem-solving, in this paper we conduct a critical analysis of the concept of competence, as seen through the lens of the Capability Approach. The Philosophy for Children curriculum is presented as a pedagogical and didactic proposal capable of re-conceptualizing the constructs of ‘problem-solving’ and ‘collaboration’. In the light of ‘Complex Thinking’ theory and the ‘community of inquiry’ classroom methodology, the general theoretical (...)
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  15. The Richness of Questions in Philosophy for Children.Magda Costa-Carvalho & Dina Mendonça - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-21.
    This paper argues that the various approaches within P4C (Philosophy for Children) should purposefully integrate the exploration of questioning instead of only presenting children with prepared questions as starting points for inquiry. This is particularly relevant since P4C is one of the few educational settings that offers a space for children to question and explore the variation of their questions’ impact. The purposeful integration of questions does justice to the inheritance of the philosophical tradition, and reinforces questions as a privileged (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Apresentação.Walter Omar Kohan, Victor Rojas & David Kennedy - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-21.
    Ao XIX Congresso foram apresentadas 166 propostas de comunicações, 43 de oficinas e 17 de pôsteres. Das 136 propostas aceitas de comunicações, foram selecionados os 19 textos que compõem o presente Dossier. Mesmo eles tendo sido aprovados por dois pareceristas para o colóquio, passaram por dupla avaliação cega de pares para ser aqui publicados. Assim, integram o Dossier 19 artigos, dos quais 11 em inglês, 5 em castelhano e 3 em português. Dentre eles, o texto vencedor do 2019 ICPIC Prêmio (...)
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  17. Meeting Youngsters Where They “Are at” in Summer Camps, in Sport and in Life.Susan T. Gardner & Alex Newby - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-26.
    When Mathew Lipman first introduced Philosophy for Children (P4C) to the world, his goal was not to sneak a little academic philosophy into the typical school curriculum, as one might expect from the titles of his first books: Philosophy in the Classroom (Lipman et al., 1980) and Philosophy Goes to School (Lipman, 1988). His goal, rather, was to create a paradigm shift in the field of education itself: namely, to transform the typical hierarchical model into one in which the teacher/facilitator (...)
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  18. Kunnen onze scholen goed burgerschapsonderwijs wel aan?Michael S. Merry & Bart Van Leeuwen - 2019 - Sociale Vraagstukken 1.
    Burgerschapsonderwijs is een belangrijke missie op scholen. Met de toegenomen aandacht voor zelfredzaamheid en kennis over het politieke systeem zitten we op het goede spoor. Maar dat geldt niet voor de kunst om met verschillende meningen om te gaan. Kan ons onderwijs die burgerschapsvorming wel aan gegeven een aantal praktische uitdagingen en de geïnstitutionaliseerde blinde vlek voor ons koloniale verleden?
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  19. Breaking Boundaries: Children Activist as Epistemic Agents Within Contours of Epistemic Marginalisation.Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    The article delves into the realm of child environmental activism, portraying it as a concerted response aimed at challenging the prevailing social and political status quo, which systematically underestimates the role of children in decision-making within political and social spheres. It highlights the paramount importance of the epistemological framework that encompasses children's experiences, emphasising how their exclusion from political and social discourse leads to epistemic marginalisation. This exclusion not only prevents children from assuming the role of epistemic agents but also (...)
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  20. Childism and Minority Cultures in School.Itay Snir - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-20.
    While inequality between children and adults characterizes practically every aspect of contemporary society, school is considered a paradigmatic site of adult domination. Childist critiques tend to point to school as a place where adultism is not only conspicuous but also (re)produced. In this article, however, it is argued that the public school, obviously founded by adults for adult purposes, has an important childist dimension. Although it is based on a clear distinction between adult teachers and child students, school can problematize (...)
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  21. The Postmodern Turn in Childhood Studies and its Pedagogical Implications.yao luo - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20.
    This paper reflects on the postmodern shift in childhood studies and its impact on education. As scholars interrogate the modern notion of childhood, the discourse of postmodernism has entered the realm of childhood studies, yielding various new perspectives on childhood. The key characteristics of the postmodern shift in childhood studies include: 1) the rejection of essentialism regarding childhood and the recognition of the diversity inherent in it; 2) the deconstruction of binary oppositions and the advocacy for the heterogeneous nature of (...)
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  22. Devir-mundos em uma viagem pelas perguntas. Resenha do livro KOHAN, Walter Omar. A viagem dos sonhos impossíveis. Autêntica Editora: Belo Horizonte, 2022. [REVIEW]Talita Alcalá Vinagre - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-10.
    A resenha apresenta e discute o livro de Walter Omar Kohan, A viagem dos sonhos impossíveis.
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  23. Measuring the Quality of Philosophical Dialogue: A High-Inference Rating Instrument for Research and Teacher Education.Deborah Bernhard & Dominik Helbling - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-31.
    Various studies have shown that philosophizing with children at school can have a positive effect on cognitive, language and social skills. However, previous studies have not considered how the quality of the dialogue influences these outcomes. Addressing this gap, our article introduces a high-inference rating instrument to assess the quality of philosophical dialogue. This instrument features four quality dimensions: Philosophical Richness, Co-construction, Focus, and Restrained Facilitation. It was applied to evaluate 63 class dialogues from a Swiss study involving secondary-school students. (...)
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  24. “With My Love”: The Colonial Legacy of Racialized Pedophilic Pornography in the Atlantic World.Stacey Patton - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-37.
    This essay provides a critical analysis of early-20th-century American postcards, focusing on the portrayal of black and white children as an aesthetic tool of white supremacy and pedophilic racist pleasures. These representations not only reflected but also perpetuated colonial ideologies and racial stereotypes, directly influencing educational practices and policies, and contributing to a social environment where discrimination and sexualization of children was normalized. The article begins with the contrast in the depiction of white and black children, revealing a pattern in (...)
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  25. Os Currículos da Educação Infantil e o Problema da Participação.Sammy William Lopes & Janete Magalhães Carvalho - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-20.
    O artigo trata da relação entre o processo de produção dos currículos na educação infantil e o problema acerca de como e por que a infância pode/deve participar ativamente de tal processo. Desenvolve-se mostrando a potência de se pensar a referida relação problemática desde um conceito de participação comprometido política e afirmativamente com a força da diferença, imanente aos encontros que o corpo infante traça com o mundo. Força esta que, de modo habitual, se desdobra nas experiências brincantes por meio (...)
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  26. Infancias, Identidades Digitales y Escuela: De Incluir Tecnologías, a Ponerlas Sobre la Mesa.Daniel Brailovsky & Angela María Menchón - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-24.
    La idea social de infancia, y la propia experiencia de ser niño o niña está interpelada en nuestros días por las mediaciones digitales en las relaciones. Es usual referirse a las nuevas generaciones como “digitales”, o particularmente como nativos digitales. Se habla de nuevas infancias en virtud del modo en que manejan las tecnologías y se plantea la idea de que la diferencia entre las generaciones adultas y jóvenes está epocalmente trastocada o invertida en una época definida como “era digital”. (...)
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  27. Interrogaciones a Las Materialidades y Metas Político-Pedagógicas de Lo Escolar, Nacidas En la Práctica Del Filosofar Con Niños y Niñas.Carmina Shapiro - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-27.
    Las prácticas educativas escolarizadas se desarrollan sobre la base de una serie de directrices que fueron consolidando el formato escolar como lo conocemos hoy. Las materialidades que utilizamos para desplegar las actividades escolares y los fines o metas pedagógico-políticas con los que las orientamos forman parte de las mencionadas directrices. En este trabajo, tomando base en las experiencias cultivadas en escuelas en Ronda de Palabras (Argentina), una formación basada en Filosofía con Niños, queremos plantear una discusión con esos dos grandes (...)
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  28. O Lugar Dos Bebês No Confronto Com o Adultocentrismo: Possibilidades a Partir da Cartografia e da Filosofia da Diferença.Vanessa Vanin Chaves & Vinicius Bertoncini Vicenzi - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-14.
    Este artigo constitui-se como um ensaio para pensar práticas pedagógicas com bebês a partir de uma filosofia da infância que não esteja moldada por discursos adultocêntricos. O debate em torno do enfrentamento do adultocentrismo tem historicamente se concentrado mais sobre as crianças do que sobre os bebês. O presente artigo busca lançar questões a respeito de se pensar os bebês não a partir da visibilidade dos seus rótulos, marcados por uma visão cronológica, mas a partir de uma concepção que permita (...)
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  29. Conceptualizing Critical Thinking Pedagogy in Teacher Education.Désireé Eva Moodley & Rajendra Chetty - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-23.
    Higher education institutions play a pivotal role in knowledge creation and distribution. Teacher education is at the forefront of this engagement. The role of teacher educators is significant in engaging teacher knowledge for shaping and informing ways of being and doing in the world. In recent years higher education has undergone considerable transformation. In South Africa there is a call for real-world transformation in pedagogical practices to address academic, socio-economic, and cultural inclusion and emancipation. As a human right for enabling (...)
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  30. Ejercer, ejercitar y reparar: filosofía con infancias como práctica extramuros, como derecho, como ejercicio espiritual, como crítica al adultocentrismo y al androcentrismo.Martina Elida Victoria - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-29.
    En este artículo recuperamos algunos sentidos del filosofar y de la filosofía que consideramos fecundos para la comprensión de la práctica de la filosofía con infancias (FcI). Sostenemos la necesidad de revisitar la pregunta por la filosofía misma, así como algo de la historia de esta disciplina que nos ayude a identificar cuáles versiones de ella se ponen, o podrían poner, en juego en la práctica de la FcI. Así, apareció la necesidad de dar cuenta de la propuesta de filosofía (...)
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  31. Who’s Tired of Michel Foucault? Une Étude Sur Les Perspectives Foucaldiennes Pour Penser L’Articulation de la Production de L’Enfance Et Des Rapports de Colonialité.Ela Roland & Serena Iacobino - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-34.
    Cet article prend pour point de départ les généalogies de l’enfance de Michel Foucault disséminées dans son œuvre et complexifiées par les études foucaldiennes contemporaines, en particulier les recherches féministes de Silvia Federici (et ses généalogies des femmes) et les études postcoloniales d’Ann Laura Stoler (et ses généalogies des colonisés). Foucault passant sous silences l’histoire des femmes et des colonies, ce détour par des généalogies féministes et postcoloniales nous permettra de nous inscrire dans les débats sur l’intersectionnalité. En effet, depuis (...)
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  32. A Escrita e a Oralidade Na Escola Como Potência Na Formação Humana: Conversações Entre Kopenawa, Sêneca e Filosofia Com Crianças.Betina Schuler & Maria Alice Gouvêa Campesato - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-23.
    Este texto trata de uma experimentação na formação de professoras da educação infantil e dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RS), por meio de práticas de leitura, escrita e conversação, as quais se desdobram em experimentações com as crianças. Tal processo é pensado nas companhias de Sêneca (2018), com seu conceito de leitura e escrita, de Kopenawa (Kopenawa; Albert, 2015), a partir do conceito de palavra, e de Foucault (2004, 2011), (...)
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  33. Fazendo Nuvens Com Docentes e Estudantes Em Meio À Pandemia.Luciano Bedin da Costa & Tatiele Mesquita Corrêa - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20.
    O presente ensaio apresenta os resultados de uma dissertação de mestrado defendida no programa de pós-graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Realizada entre os anos de 2020 e 2022, em meio à eclosão da pandemia de Covid-19, a pesquisa acompanhou a realização do projeto de extensão Carta ao mundo de que vem, que visou a construção de uma carta coletiva, envolvendo estudantes e docentes de escolas de educação infantil e ensino fundamental (...)
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  34. Can School Become a Non-Adultist Institution?Manfred Liebel & Philip Meade - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-34.
    To answer the question of whether school can become a non-adultist institution, this article examines the unequal adult–child (teacher–pupil) power relations that characterize school under the framework of bourgeois-capitalist society and that are upheld by certain functions, methods, norms and knowledge standards. Under the influence of the anti-authoritarian youth protest movements from the 1960s onwards, overt power in school (e.g. by means of corporal punishment) has been criticized and, in most countries, abolished. However, power imbalances between teachers and pupils have (...)
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  35. Colonialidade da Educação Infantil: Análise Crítica Das Práticas Pedagógicas Em Uma Instituição Em Contexto Periférico.Otavio Henrique Ferreira da Silva - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-28.
    Busca-se neste artigo problematizar a manifestação da colonialidade nas práticas pedagógicas de uma instituição de educação infantil situada em contexto periférico a partir da percepção de professoras e famílias. A argumentação e análise teórica adotada partem dos estudos da infância e teoria decolonial/contracolonial. Serão analisadas as conversas estabelecidas com adultos participantes da pesquisa, sendo quatro entrevistas realizadas com professoras e mães de crianças de uma instituição de educação infantil de contexto periférico e negro, localizada no município de Betim – MG. (...)
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  36. "A Antropologia da Inf'ncia Chegou Para Ficar": Entrevista Com David Lancy.David Lancy, Chantal Medaets, Gabriela Tebet & Flávia Pires - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-20.
    O texto discute a consolidação do campo da antropologia da infância a partir de um diálogo com David Lancy, professor emérito de antropologia na Universidade do Estado de Utah, Estados Unidos, e uma das figuras-chave da institucionalização do campo naquele país. A partir de uma entrevista com Lancy na ocasião do lançamento da terceira edição de seu livro The Anthropology of Childhood, apresentamos as principais contribuições deste autor a um público lusófono e discutimos temas chave para os estudos da infância, (...)
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  37. Facing Childhood Ethically: Overcoming Normative Overloading in P4C and Opening Philosophy to the Radically New.Jonathan Wurtz - 2021 - In Dina Mendonça & Florian Franken Figueiredo (eds.), Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children. Berlin: Springer Nature. pp. 41-57.
    This essay is an attempt to consider the possibility of an ethical encounter between childhood and philosophy in philosophy for children (P4C). The difficulty that P4C faces in its endeavor to introduce childhood and philosophy to one another is not only cognitive in nature, but ethical as well. The child is an Other whose future points beyond me, towards a reality that I will never get to experience. The question which I am interested in answering here is: how do I (...)
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  38. La pregunta niña: Disonancias entre el orden explicador y la afirmación vital.Leonardo Javier Visaguirre & María Milena Quiroz - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-19.
    Este trabajo surge de un diálogo interdisciplinario entre dos tesis doctorales, una de educación y otra de filosofía, que comparten un interés sobre formas emancipadoras y democráticas de pensar con otros y otras en la escuela pública latinoamericana. Desde una perspectiva crítica propia de la filosofía de la educación latinoamericana realizamos un análisis epistemológico sobre las distintas formas de habitar la pregunta dentro de una práctica filosófica con niños y niñas. Tomamos como objeto de estudio una experiencia específica de comunidad (...)
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  39. Inf'ncias, Juventudes e Sexualidades Na Escola Em Tempos de Neoconservadorismo e Pós-Fascismo.Tassio Acosta & Silvio Gallo - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    Este trabalho busca analisar os desdobramentos da relação entre infâncias, juventudes e sexualidades que se apresentam nas escolas em tempos de cerceamentos e perseguições presentes na última década à escola. Falar de infância é discorrer sobre corpos e, justamente por isso, é indissociável da sexualidade. As relações interpessoais que ocorrem nos espaços escolares são imprescindíveis para socializações com vidas outras. No entanto, após a censura da temática de gênero e sexualidades nos planos educacionais recentes, bem como na Base Nacional Comum (...)
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  40. Looking a Trojan Horse in the Mouth: Problematizing Philosophy for/with children's Hope for Social Reform Through the History of Race and Education in the Us.Jonathan Wurtz - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-27.
    Many P4/WC practitioners and theorists privilege the school as a space for thinking and practicing philosophy for/with children. Despite its coercive nature, thinkers such as Jana Mohr Lone, David Kennedy, and Nancy Vansieleghem argue that P4C is a Trojan horse intended to reform the education system from within. I argue, however, that the Trojan horse argument requires us to internalize an incomplete and historically decontextualized understanding of public schools that in turn can reify histories of white supremacy within our CPIs (...)
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  41. Malditas Invasões Curriculares!Steferson Zanoni Roseiro, Nahun Thiaghor Lippaus Pires Gonçalves & Tania Mara Zanotti Guerra Frizzera Delboni - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20.
    O ensaio dialoga sobre imagens curriculares utópicas que, expressas na escola, representam os feitos ideais de condutas, comportamentos almejados para exaustão da vida nos curriculos que insistem no enquadramento. Logo, o objetivo é questionar a lógica quase imperial de veiculação de imagens das práticas curriculares. Para tanto são fabuladas cenas de escola que brincam com a lógica das estabilidades curriculares. Se a escola e a professora se veem, nesse contexto, obrigadas a registrar os currículos em imagens quase midiáticas, interessa-nos produzir (...)
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  42. Escola Desinteressada: Poesia Como Um Caminho Libertador e Transformador Na Escola Pública.Maria Onete Lopes Ferreira - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-21.
    Este texto oferece uma reflexão nascida de uma experiência com literatura, poesia e também filosofia na escola, com turmas do ensino fundamental nos anos iniciais. A experiência foi iniciada em 2011 e deu origem a um projeto de pesquisa, ensino e extensão, hoje em curso em escolas públicas. O projeto tem como fundamentação teórico-metodológica pensamentos críticos à escola voltada para a formação compreendida como utilitarista. Concepção esta que segue dominante, a despeito das inúmeras mudanças na base curricular, ao longo do (...)
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  43. Filosofía para niños: semilla ético-política para una cultura de paz desde un pensamiento polivalente.Carlos Fernando Velasco Moreno - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-39.
    Después de enseñar la asignatura de Ética, y de la aplicar unas normas familiares escolares tradicionales, los estudiantes no se apropian de elementos éticos por varias causas: no les ven utilidad, no comprenden el contexto, o simplemente no les afecta, anulando cualquier interés al respecto. Esto impide que su obrar en la cotidianidad no sea tolerante en su ambiente escolar, generando dificultades en el docente para mediar comportamientos opuestos a una cultura de paz. Ante esto, se propone la Filosofía para (...)
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  44. “Educating Children for Wisdom”: Reflecting on the Philosophy for Children Community of Inquiry Approach Through Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.Cathlyne Abarejo - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-28.
    There is a widespread belief in Philosophy for Children that Plato, the famed Greek thinker who introduced philosophizing to the world as a form of dialogue, was averse to teaching philosophy to young children. Decades of the implementation of P4C program’s inquiry pedagogy have shown conclusively that children are not, in fact, incapable of receiving philosophical training and education. But was Plato wrong? Or has he been largely misunderstood? Does his theory of education show the value of cultivating virtues in (...)
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  45. Affect and Philosophical Inquiry with Children.Arthur Wolf - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-25.
    Matthew Lipman’s Thinking in Education develops an approach to philosophical inquiry with children (PwC) that claims to develop critical, creative and caring thinking. With Lipman, these kinds of thinking are primarily tied to analytic-logical commitments, and as such, his approach concerns only one way to conceptualize thinking. To address this issue and create space for another understanding, I introduce the concept of affect based on the work of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. From a theoretical perspective, affect helps to deepen (...)
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  46. التربية والتنمية وتحديات المستقبل: مقاربة سوسيولوجية (2nd edition).الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2015 - Edited by الصديق الصادقي العماري.
    ............ISBN: 978-9954-630-27-3...................... مقدمة الكتاب: لا أحد من الباحثين يستطيع أن ينكر أن التربية وجدت مع وجود الحياة الإنسانية. فالتربية ظاهرة اجتماعية عرفها الإنسان منذ أن وطئت قدماه الأرض، كما أنها كانت موضوع اهتمام الأديان عبر العصور والأزمنة، وهذا يدل على دورها الفاعل والهام في تطوير الأمم وتقدمها. وقد عرفت هذه الظاهرة تطورات نوعية وكيفية عميقة جنبا إلى جنب مع التحولات الاقتصادية والثقافية والاجتماعية والسياسية... إلى أن أصبحت علما بل علوما متعددة ومتنوعة، وكذلك من بين التخصصات التي تدرس في الجامعات والمعاهد (...)
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  47. how to generate (educate) an inquiring-jazzing community: free and open suggestions from an international workshop (ICPIC 2022).Eleonora Zorzi & Marina Santi - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-21.
    This paper presents the collective reflection of a temporary community of inquiry (COI) created during an international workshop at the 20th biennial ICPIC conference--“Philosophy In And Beyond the Classroom: P4wc Across Cultural, Social, and Political Differences”-- and the suggestions emerging from that event. The workshop, entitled “Pedagojazz—improvising and inquiring, community interplay”, was conducted via Zoom, but participants were both online and present in person. The topic focused on the pedagojazz perspective, and the short activities proposed were aimed at involving the (...)
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  48. Philosophy for children in Saudi Arabia and its impact on non-cognitive skills.Emad Abbas Alzahrani & Abdullah Almutairi - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-24.
    This study examines the effects of teaching philosophy for children (P4C) on the development of non-cognitive skills among students. Although the main focus of modern schooling is on attainment, non-cognitive skills and attitudes are still within the scope of modern education. The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia introduced a new policy to teach critical thinking and philosophy in its public schools in 2017. Although the effects of teaching philosophy on cognitive skills have been well-researched, fewer studies have studied the (...)
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  49. Estaremos Prontos Para a Escuta Das Crianças?Ricardo Frias, Daylane Diniz & Nális Carvalho - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-21.
    Este texto parte de inquietações em torno da prática filosófica com crianças e da escuta que ocorre em algumas comunidades de investigação filosófica (Sharp, 1987; Mendonça & Carvalho, 2018) em contexto escolar. Pensamos nas certezas com que nos movemos nestes espaços e como momentos imprevisíveis podem interromper esses caminhos (aparentemente) seguros, possibilitando novas formas de educar. Esses “momentos críticos” (Haynes & Murris, 2012) surgem a partir da escuta das vozes de crianças e transformam a forma como o educador-investigador-facilitador se conduz (...)
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  50. Asimetría y Dominación: Las Paradojas de la Educación.félix garcía-moriyón - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-22.
    La práctica del diálogo filosófico propuesta por el programa Filosofía para Niños implica mantener ese diálogo desde la educación primaria, incluso antes. El díalogo filosófico, partiendo del modelo de los diálogos socráticos, exige el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico, cogntivamente muy exigente, FpN, desde sus orígenes, insiste en que ese pensamiento debe ir unido a un pensamiento creativo y cuidadoso, entendido cuidadoso como pensamiento que tiene en cuenta la dimensión ética del dialogo riguroso. Por eso mismo, el programa destaca que (...)
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