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  1. Legitimacy, Signature and Sovereignty in Derrida.Andro Kitus - 2021 - Law, Culture and the Humanities 2021.
    Legitimacy is a concept that has been largely forgotten by the deconstructive discourse on law and politics. This article seeks, on the one hand, to reassess the role of legitimacy in deconstruction and, on the other hand, to bring deconstructive thinking to bear on the concept of legitimacy. By re-reading Derrida’s “Declarations of Independence” through the lenses of his later texts on sovereignty and (counter)signature, it is argued that, rather than being deconstructible, legitimacy is deconstructing any self-founding of law and (...)
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  2. Texts on Violence: Of the Impure (Contaminations, Equivocations, Trembling).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Oximora 17:1-25.
    This article interrogates a certain philosophical scene – one which constitutes itself through the position of what Jacques Derrida calls “the ethical instance of violence.” This scene supposes a certain “style” of writing or doing philosophy, and perhaps even a certain philosophical “genre” or “subgenre”: the philosophical discourse on violence. In the course of the essay, I analyze this quasi-juridical scene through readings of Aristotle, Walter Benjamin, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Slavoj Žižek, Werner Hamacher, Rodolphe Gasché, and Martin Hägglund among (...)
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  3. Resisting the Present: Biopower in the Face of the Event (Some Notes on Monstrous Lives).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - CR: The New Centennial Review 19 (3):99-128.
    In its hegemonic definition, biopolitical governmentality is characterised by a seemingly infinite capacity of expansion, susceptible to colonise the landscape and timescape of the living present in the name of capitalistic productivity. The main trait of biopower is its normative, legal and political plasticity, allowing it to reappropriate critiques and resistances by appealing to bioethical efficacy and biological accuracy. Under these circumstances, how can we invent rebellious forms-of-life and alternative temporalities escaping biopolitical normativity? In this essay, I interrogate the theoretical (...)
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  4. Derrida's Shylock: The Letter and the Life of Law.Katrin Trüstedt - 2019 - In Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.), Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law. New York, NY: Fordham University Press. pp. 168-185..
    This contribution addresses issues of interpretation and translation in Derrida’s reading of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice in relation to the supposed opposition of the letter and the spirit of the law. Rather than supporting a supersession of the law’s letter in favor of its spirit and advocating a sublation of the law by means of mercy, as a traditional reading suggests, this essay’s reading of Shakespeare’s play suggests that it deconstructs the underlying opposition. By linking the insistence on “the letter (...)
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  5. Jacques Derrida, Gesetzeskraft.Thomas Khurana - 2018 - In Manfred Brocker (ed.), Geschichte des politischen Denkens II: Das 20. Jahrhundert. Suhrkamp. pp. 757-772.
    Derrida zielt mit „Gesetzeskraft“ auf eine Reflexion der komplexen Bedingungsstruktur normativer Praktiken überhaupt, für die rechtliche Praktiken auf besondere Weise erhellend sind. Am Falle des Rechts kann deutlich werden, dass Normativität an ihrem Grund sowie in ihrer Anwendung und Durchsetzung wesentlich auf eine Dimension der Kraft oder Gewalt verwiesen ist. Kraft ohne Gerechtigkeit wäre tyrannisch, aber Gerechtigkeit ohne Kraft bleibt unwirksam. Am Recht zeigt sich so nach Pascal, dass man „Gerechtigkeit und Kraft (Gewalt) zusammenstellen [muß], damit was gerecht und angemessen (...)
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  6. Review of What is A People? [REVIEW]Chatterjee Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2017 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 122 (11):769-70.
    The reviewer connects Derrida's Gloss of the Genesis event to the book under review and discusses the topic of the book under review as an important site for discussing our zeitgeist.
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  7. Legal Argumentation and Justice in Luhmann’s System Theory of Law.Francesco Belvisi - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):341-357.
    The paper reconstructs Luhmann’s conception of legal argumentation and justice especially focussing on the aspects of contingency and self-referring operative closure. The aim of his conception is to describe/explain in a disenchanted way—from an external, of “second order” point of view—the work on adjudication, which, rather idealistically, lawyers and judges present as being a matter of reason. As a consequence of some surface similarities with Derrida’s deconstructive philosophy of justice, Teubner proposes integrating the supposed reductive image of formal justice described (...)
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  8. Doing Justice to Foucault: Legal Theory and the Later Ethics. [REVIEW]Charles Barbour - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):73-88.
    This article provides a critical evaluation of Ben Golder’s and Peter Fitzpatrick’s recent Foucault’s Law, which it characterizes as a decisive intervention into both legal theory and Foucault scholarship. It argues in favour of Golder’s and Fitzpatrick’s effort to affirm the multiplicity of Foucault’s work, rather than treat that work as either unified by a consistent position or broken into a series of relatively stable periods. But it also argues against Golder’s and Fitzpatrick’s analysis of Foucault’s understanding of the law (...)
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  9. Literature and Law in Jacques Derrida.Carlos Antonio Contreras Guala - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):95-110.
    RESUMEN Se estudia el vínculo entre literatura y derecho en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Se indican algunos recorridos de lectura y se dilucida lo que se entiende por literatura como institución, y su vínculo y alcances en relación con el plagio y con el derecho a decirlo todo en literatura. ABSTRACT The paper examines the connection between literature and law in the thought of Jacques Derrida. On the basis of certain readings, it explains literature as an institution, as well (...)
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  10. Jacques de Ville, Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality, Routledge Press, 2011. Hardback. 220pp. £76. ISBN 978–0-415–61279-1. [REVIEW]Daniel Matthews - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):260-265.
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  11. Tableau Before the Law: Albert Camus' The Fall After Deconstruction.Caroline Sheaffer-Jones - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (1):115-134.
    At the beginning of Derrida's ‘Before the Law’, a reading of Kafka's story with that title, is an epigraph from Montaigne's Essays: ‘… science does likewise (and even our law, it is said, has legitimate fictions on which it bases the truth of its justice)…’. Derrida again refers to this quotation in ‘Force of Law’, asking what a ‘legitimate fiction’ might be and what it would mean to establish the basis for the truth of justice. With reference to these writings (...)
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  12. Derrida and Legal Philosophy. Edited by Peter Goodrich, Florian Hoffmann, Michael Rosenfeld, and Cornelia Vismann.Greg Andonian - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):399 - 400.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 399-400, June 2012.
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  13. Archive Fever: 'order is no longer assured'.Anél Boshoff - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):632-645.
    This article uses a close reading of Jacques Derrida’s short work Archive fever: A Freudian impression (1996), in order to show the structural impossibility for law and the wider legal system to protect itself from the destabilising effects of deconstruction. It shows law’s inability to stabilise/close the system and hence its inability to ‘assure order’.
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  14. A Critical Examination of Jiri Priban's "Doing What Comes Naturally, or a Walk on the Wild Side? Stanlet Fish's Antifoundationalist Concept of Law, It's Closure and Force".Ross Motabhoy - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Kent
  15. Jacques Derrida: law as absolute hospitality.Jacques De Ville - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitalityãeepresents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derridaâe(tm)s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derridaâe(tm)s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning behind his elusive works on law and justice can be grasped. Through detailed readings of texts such as To speculate âe" (...)
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  16. Language, exception, messianism: The thematics of Agamben on Derrida.David Fiorovanti - 2010 - The Bible and Critical Theory 6 (1):5.1-5.12.
    This paper revisits Giorgio Agamben’s text The Time That Remains and through a comparative analysis contrasts the author’s reading of St Paul’s Romans to relevant Derridean thematics prevalent in the text. Specific themes include language, the law, and the subject. I illustrate how Agamben attempts to revitalise the idea of philosophical anthropology by breaking away from the deconstructive approach. Agamben argues that language is an experience but is currently in a state of nihilism. Consequently, the subject has become lost; or, (...)
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  17. Law's trace: from Hegel to Derrida.Catherine M. Kellogg - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Tracing the sign -- Signing the trace -- The messianic without messianism -- Mourning terminable and interminable : law and (commmodity) fetishism -- Justice, law, and Antigone's singular act -- Generalizing the economy of fetishism.
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  18. Deconstruction, justice, and the vocation of education.Gert Biesta - 2009 - In Michael A. Peters (ed.), Derrida, Deconstruction, and the Politics of Pedagogy. Peter Lang.
  19. Review of Peter Goodrich, Florian Hoffmann, Michel Rosenfeld, Cornelia Vismann (eds.), Derrida and Legal Philosophy[REVIEW]Douglas Litowitz - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (2).
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  20. Categories of Life: The Status of the Camp in Derrida and Agamben.Vernon Cisney - 2008 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (2):161-179.
    This essay is an exploration of the relationship between Agamben's 1995 text, Homo Sacer, and Derrida's 1992 “Force of Law” essay. Agamben attempts to show that the camp, as the topological space of the state of exception, has become the biopolitical paradigm for modernity. He draws this conclusion on the basis of a distinction, which he finds in an essay by Walter Benjamin, between categories of life, with the “pro‐tagonist” of the work being what he calls homo sacer, or bare (...)
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  21. Derrida’s The Purveyor of Truth and Constitutional Reading.Jacques de Ville - 2008 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 21 (2):117-137.
    In this article the author explores Jacques Derrida’s reading in The Purveyor of Truth of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Purloined Letter. In his essay, Derrida proposes a reading which differs markedly from the interpretation proposed by Lacan in his Seminar on ‘The Purloined Letter’. To appreciate Derrida’s reading, which is not hermeneutic-semantic in nature like that of Lacan, it is necessary to look at the relation of Derrida’s essay to his other texts on psychoanalysis, more specifically insofar as the Freudian (...)
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  22. Derrida and legal philosophy.Peter Goodrich (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    From early in his career Jacques Derrida was intrigued by law. Over time, this fascination with law grew more manifest and he published a number of highly influential analyses of ethics, justice, violence and law. This book brings together leading scholars in a variety of disciplines to assess Derrida's importance for and impact upon legal studies.
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  23. Playing with Law: Agamben and Derrida on Postjuridical Justice.Catherine Mills - 2008 - South Atlantic Quarterly 107 (1):15--36.
  24. Du droit á la justice.Rosário Rossano Pecoraro - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:131-136.
    Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser les reflexions ä propos du droit et de la justice faites par Jacques Derrida et Gianni Vattimo. L'objectif principal est de mettre l'accent sur les traits dominants qui distinguent ces reflexions quand elles touchent aux exigences de la praxis (juridique, ethique, politique), ä laquelle les deux philosophes s'adressent de fagon differente. D'un cöte, il y a la deconstruction deridienne, qui denonce le manque de fondement du droit, sa violence originelle, et au moyen d'une double (...)
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  25. Encountering Unwanted Togetherness: Deconstructing an Ethic of Forgiveness.Grace Hunt - 2006 - Dissertation, University of Alberta
    My thesis offers a philosophical and psychological examination of our ability to forgive strangers post-atrocity. Forgiveness is often considered impossible because atrocities involve unforgivable violations of moral values. Viewed through the lens of deconstruction, however, it is precisely where forgiveness seems impossible that it becomes possible, and more importantly, necessary in order to curb the desire for vengeance. Granting this radical understanding of the value of forgiveness---the ability to forgive the unforgivable---what hinders our ability to forgive? My work focuses on (...)
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  26. Justices.Jacques Derrida - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (3):689.
  27. Mourning the law: Hegel’s metaphorics of sexual difference.Catherine Kellogg - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (4):361-374.
    In his 1992 text ‘Force of Law’ Jacques Derrida makes the radical claim that the aura of law’s legitimacy is always achieved by virtue of an ideological sleight of hand. I argue that the radicality of this claim does not lie in its abandonment of the rule of law, nor is this claim a call to political quietism. Rather, Derrida charges us with the responsibility of interrogating the moments of law’s force or ideology. Following this suggestion I argue that one (...)
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  28. Do Lawyers need Philosophy?Patrick Lenta - 2003 - South African Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):82-97.
    Neo- pragmatists Richard Rorty and Stanley Fish have recently argued that philosophy has no consequences for legal practice (except, in the case of Fish, insofar as it carries rhetorical force). They have asserted not only that philosophy cannot provide absolute metaphysical foundations for legal practice, but also that philosophy cannot be used to criticise law. This essay examines Fish and Rorty's reasons for denying the practical force of philosophy. Although I agree with Rorty and Fish's non-foundationalism, I argue that in (...)
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  29. Law and force: 20th century radical legal philosophy, post-modernism and the foundations of law.Matthias Mahlmann - 2003 - Res Publica 9 (1):19-37.
    The foundations of law have been the object ofintense philosophical scrutiny since antiquity.Most importantly, it has been asked whetherthere are really any foundations other thansheer force to be found once more comfortingillusions are abandoned. This paperinvestigates four influential theorists ofradical legal philosophy and postmodern thought who dealwith this problem in comparable ways despitetheir different theoretical outlooks. Themerits of these theories having been assessed,mentalism in ethics and law is introduced as apossible alternative to both the widespreadfoundationalism of the past and theanti-foundationalism (...)
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  30. La Nouvelle Vague: Epiphanies, Encounters, Events. [REVIEW]Peter Goodrich - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (2):159-176.
    A recent collection of essays,Feminist Perspectives on Law and Theory,is here taken as the starting point for an analysis of the political trajectory of feminist jurisprudence. The ‘new wave’ of feminism borrows much of its inspiration from continental theory – from Derrida, Deleuze and Irigaray – and has been subject to criticism for its attention to language and its turn towards culture and aesthetics. Reviewing the materialist bases of the new wave, and particularly its concern with the immediacies of the (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Force of Law: The 'Mystical Foundation of Authority'.Jacques Derrida - 2001 - In Gil Anidjar (ed.), Acts of Religion. Routledge.
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  32. Derrida on Law; or, Poststructuralism gets Serious.John P. Mccormick - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (3):395-423.
  33. Justice, law and philosophy: an interview with Jacques Derrida.P. Cilliers, W. van der Merwe & J. Degenaar - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):279-286.
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  34. The Economy of Violence: Derrida on Law and Justice.Roberto Buonamano - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (2):168-179.
  35. Decision, hegemony and law: Derrida and Laclau.E. E. Berns - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (4):71-80.
    How to introduce 'politics' as a specific concept within a deconstructive style of thinking? In order to answer this question, this contribution compares Derrida with Laclau. According to the former the starting-point of a deconstructive style of thinking is différance. It links together the economic detour of homecoming and the relation to otherness. Laclau's analysis of politics as hegemonization within a situation of undecidability presupposes this notion of différance and can therefore be useful in introducing politics within a deconstructive style (...)
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  36. The trace of legal idealism in Derrida's grammatology.William E. Conklin - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (5):17-42.
    Against a background of Heidegger's project of tracing the other back through the history of metaphysics, Derrida attempts to think the other as outside of identity or presencing philosophy. The other is neither present nor absent. The other is differance with an 'a'. In his important essay 'Differance', Derrida suggests that whereas difference presupposes identity, differance with an 'a' is a 'middle voice' which precedes and sets up the opposition between identity and non-identity. The soft 'a' refers to the production (...)
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  37. Derrida and the ethics of dialogue.Richard Kearney - 1993 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 19 (1):1-14.
    Derrida often insists that ethics must be the experience and encounter of a certain impossible. A proposition all the more troubling, as it is proposed by Derrida in the context of a return precisely to the conditions of possibility of ethics. It will appear that returning to the possibilities of ethics implies a return to its limits, to its aporias, which are both constitutive and incapacitating, possibilizing and impossibilizing. The purpose of this paper is to begin exploring this aporetic structure (...)
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  38. The philosophy of the limit.Drucilla Cornell - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction both by its friends and enemies has come to be associated with a set of cliches that completely misunderstands its ethical aspiration. It is particularly within the field of law that we can see the ethical force of deconstruction, and also illuminate its concrete and practical importance. In The Philosophy of the Limit Drucilla Cornell examines the relationship of deconstruction to questions of ethics, justice and legal interpretation. She argues that renaming deconstruction "the philosophy of the limit" will allow (...)
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  39. Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice.Drucilla Cornell, Michel Rosenfeld & David Carlson (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  40. (1 other version)Force of law: the metaphysical foundation of authority.Jacques Derrida - 1992 - In Drucilla Cornell, Michel Rosenfeld & David Carlson (eds.), Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice. New York: Routledge.
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  41. Force of Law: The 'Mystical Foundation of Authority'. In ed. Drucilla Cornell, Michael Rosenfield and David G. Carlson.Jacques Derrida - 1992 - In Drucilla Cornell, Michel Rosenfeld & David Carlson (eds.), Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Beyond Accommodation: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction, and the Law.Drucilla Cornell - 1991 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This new edition of Drucilla Cornell's highly acclaimed book includes a substantial new introduction by the author, which situates the book within current feminist debates. In Beyond Accommodation, Drucilla Cornell offers a highly original vision of what feminist theory can give contemporary women. She challenges essentialist and naturalist accounts of feminine sexuality, arguing that any attempt to affirm woman's value and difference by either emphasizing her maternal role or repudiating the feminine only entraps women, once again, in a container that (...)
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  43. Jacques Derrida, Vincent Descombes, Gabbis Kortian, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-François Lyotard et Jean-Luc Nancy, La faculté de juger. [REVIEW]Claude Piché - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (5):209-211.
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  44. (1 other version)Devant la Loi.Jacques Derrida - 1983 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 16:173-188.
    …: ainsi faict la science ; . Un titre résonne parfois comme la citation d'un autre titre. Mais dès lors qu'il nommerait autre chose, il ne citerait plus simplement, il détournerait l'autre titre à la faveur d'un homonyme. Tout cela n'irait jamais sans quelque préjudice ou usurpation.
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