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  1. Scholarship on Aristotle's Ethical and Political Philosophy (2021-) [UPDATED OCTOBER 2022].Thornton Lockwood - manuscript
    I have sought to keep a running tabulation of all books, edited collections, translations, and journal articles which are primarily devoted to Aristotle’s ethical and political writings (including their historical reception but excluding neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics). Criteria for inclusion in this bibliography are: (1) published after January 1, 2021 (including pre-publication articles assigned a DOI); (2) devoted to one of Aristotle’s ethical or political works (e.g., Pol, EN, EE, MM, Athenian Constitution, Protrepticus); and/or (3) devoted to ethical or political concepts (...)
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  2. Aristotle’s oikonomikē as an environmental ethic.Thornton Lockwood - manuscript
    At least since Foster (2002), scholars interested in Aristotle’s views about environmental ethics have focused primarily upon his teleological account of non-human animals as the basis for an Aristotelian environmental virtue ethics. But although Aristotle’s scientific account of non-human animals can serve as the basis for a form of environmental ethics akin to “nature preservation,” one finds in his account of “household management” (or oikonomikē) a very different sort of environmental ethic, one that looks much more like a form of (...)
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  3. In Praise of Solon: Aristotle on Greek Democracy.Thornton Lockwood - manuscript
    My chapter explores Aristotle’s account of Greek democracy in three parts. The first part examines the notion of democracy taxonomically, namely as a kind of political organization that Aristotle classifies as a deviant politeia that admits of a number of species that are differentiated by the socio-economic classifications of its people (or δῆμος). The second part provides an overview of Aristotle’s historical remarks on prominent subjects of Athenian democracy in the Politics (Pol.) and the Athenian Constitution (Ath. Pol.) and then (...)
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  4. Libertad o comunidad, o qué nos choca de Aristóteles.Aida Míguez Barciela - manuscript
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  5. An Aporia About Citizenship in Aristotle's Politics: The Vulgar Craftsmen.Nevim Borcin - forthcoming - In Veronika Konrádová & Jakub Jinek (eds.), Non-citizens in the City. Nomos.
    This paper aims to elucidate the case of the vulgar craftsmen who are excluded from the citizen body, a case which evidently challenged Aristotle’s conception of citizenship, as we find it presented in Pol. III,5. I argue that Aristotle’s exclusion of vulgar craftsmen from citizenship in his best city, based on their habits, activities, and ways of life, lacks justification, even when evaluated against his own criteria.
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  6. The Good Life and the Good State.Katharina Nieswandt - 2025 - London and New York: Anthem Press.
    There is no good human life outside of a state, and the good state enables us to live well together – so says Constitutivism, the theory developed in this book. Reinvigorating Aristotelian ideas, the author asks in what sense citizens of modern, populous and pluralistic societies share a common good. -/- While we can easily find examples of cooperation that benefit each member, such as insurances, the idea that persons could share a common good became puzzling with modernity – a (...)
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  7. ARISTÓTELES: FRONTEIRAS DA POLÍTICA.Giacomo Fioritti Leandro - 2024 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  8. Carthage: Aristotle’s Best (non-Greek) Constitution.Thornton C. Lockwood - 2024 - In Luca Gili, Benoît Castelnérac & Laetitia Monteils-Laeng (eds.), Actes du colloque Influences étrangères. pp. 182-205.
    Aristotle’s discussions of natural slavery, ‘barbarian kingship’, and the natural characteristics of barbarians or non-Greeks are usually read as calling into question the intellectual, ethical, and political accomplishments of non-Greeks. Such accounts of non-Greek inferiority or inability to self-govern also appear to presuppose a climatic or environmental account that on the whole would imply severe limitations on the possibility of political flourishing for peoples living outside the Greek Mediterranean basin. In light of such accounts, it is somewhat astounding to find (...)
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  9. Political animality.Juhana Toivanen - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):403-420.
    This essay contributes to contemporary discussions concerning so‐called animal politics by drawing from the history of the notion of political animal. Two different historical meanings of the notion are identified: (1) normative political animality that is intrinsically linked with rationality, language, and justice; (2) biological political animality that focuses on collaboration for the sake of a common aim. The former is applicable only to human beings, while the latter can also be used in relation to other animals. After briefly discussing (...)
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  10. Heroes and Demigods: Aristotle's Hypothetical "Defense" of True Nobles.William H. Harwood & Paria Akhgari - 2023 - Eirene 59 (I-II):67-98.
    Although the commentary on Aristotle’s problematic discussion of slavery is vast, his discussion of nobility receives little attention. The fragments of his dialogue On Noble Birth constitute his most extensive examination of nobility, and while their similarity to the παμβασιλεύς of the Politics has recently been recognized, their relevance to natural slavery has hitherto gone unnoticed. Yet by declaring that true nobles – particularly the god-like ἀρχηγός – preternaturally possess superhuman characteristics, Aristotle precludes their easy inclusion in the kind “human” (...)
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  11. Uma interpretação sobre a relação dos conceitos de Bem Comum e Felicidade em Aristóteles.Gustavo Ceneviva Zuccolotto - 2023 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo
  12. Bene vivere politice: On the (Meta)biopolitics of "Happiness".Jussi Backman - 2022 - In Jussi Backman & Antonio Cimino (eds.), _Biopolitics and Ancient Thought_. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 126-144.
    This chapter approaches the question of biopolitics in ancient political thought looking not at specific political techniques but at notions of the final aim of the political community. It argues that the “happiness” (eudaimonia, beatitudo) that constitutes the greatest human good in the tradition from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas is not a “biopolitical” ideal, but rather a metabiopolitical one, consisting in a contemplative activity situated above and beyond the biological and the political. It is only with Thomas Hobbes that civic (...)
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  13. Aristotle on the Nature and Politics of Medicine.Samuel H. Baker - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (4):441-449.
    According to Aristotle, the medical art aims at health, which is a virtue of the body, and does so in an unlimited way. Consequently, medicine does not determine the extent to which health should be pursued, and “mental health” falls under medicine only via pros hen predication. Because medicine is inherently oriented to its end, it produces health in accordance with its nature and disease contrary to its nature—even when disease is good for the patient. Aristotle’s politician understands that this (...)
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  14. O Logos na Retórica e na Política de Aristóteles.Nuno M. M. S. Coelho & João Paulo Goulart - 2021 - In Luiz Antonio Ferreira (ed.), Inteligência retórica: o logos. Blucher. pp. 39-46.
  15. Aristotle on Sexual difference: metaphysics, biology and politics.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle's remarks about the differences between the sexes have become infamous for their implications for the social status of women. In his observations on female biology, Aristotle claims that "the female nature is, as it were, a deformity." In describing women's role in the public sphere, he claims that women are naturally subordinate because, while they possess a deliberative faculty, that capacity is "without authority." While both claims express the "inferiority" of female bodies/women relative to male bodies/men, it is not (...)
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  16. (2 other versions)Aristotle’s Politics on Greeks and non-Greeks.Thornton Lockwood - 2021 - Review of Politics 83 (4):465-485.
    Scholars of race in antiquity commonly claim that Aristotle holds protoracist views about barbaroi or non-Greeks. But a careful examination of Aristotle's remarks in his Politics about slavery, non-Greek political institutions, and Greek and non-Greek natural qualities calls into question such claims. No doubt, Aristotle held views at odds with modern liberalism, such as his views about gender subordination and the exploitation of slave and nonslave labor. But claims that Aristotle holds protoracist views are regularly but erroneously asserted without careful (...)
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  17. Pellegrin, Endangered Excellence. On the Political Philosophy of Aristotle. [REVIEW]Thornton Lockwood - 2021 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 10 (38).
    Pierre Pellegrin has devoted his scholarly life to the understanding of Aristotle the political philosopher, Aristotle the life-scientist, and—perhaps most importantly—Aristotle the analyst of life-science who is also a political philosopher. Like D. M. Balme, Allan Gotthelf, and James Lennox—Pellegrin is one of the foremost scholars who has sought to understand Aristotle’s biological writings in a philosophically and philologically sophisticated fashion. Pellegrin is also one of the foremost scholars who has sought to understand the intersection between Aristotle’s biological studies and (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Aristotle’s Politics on Greeks and non-Greeks.Thornton Lockwood - 2021 - The Review of Politics 84 (4):1-21.
    Scholars of race in antiquity commonly claim that Aristotle holds proto-racist views about βάρβαροι or non-Greeks. But a careful examination of Aristotle’s remarks in his Politics about slavery, non-Greek political institutions, and Greek and non-Greek natural qualities calls into question such claims. No doubt, Aristotle held views at odds with modern liberalism, such as defenses of gender subordination and the exploitation of slave and non-slave labor. But claims that Aristotle holds proto-racist views are regularly but erroneously asserted without careful consideration (...)
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  19. Review of Riesbeck, Aristotle on Political Community. [REVIEW]Thornton C. Lockwood - 2021 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 141:297-298.
    Community (κοινωνία) is one of the most fundamental and distinctive concepts in Aristotle’s writings on human action; the political species of community (alongside spousal community, household community, and the community of friendship) is probably the most complicated iteration of the concept. Thus, scholars of Aristotle’s Politics (the primary audience of the volume under review) are much indebted to the publication of Riesbeck’s revised doctoral dissertation (University of Texas, Austin, 2012) that successfully and persuasively elucidates political community by showing both its (...)
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  20. (1 other version)“Like Ants in a Colony We Do Our Share”: Political Animals in Medieval Philosophy.Juhana Toivanen - 2021 - In Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 365-392.
  21. Aristote et l’autre non-Grec.Thornton Lockwood - 2020 - In Pierre Pellegrin & Fracois Graziani (eds.), L'héritage d'Aristote aujourd’hui : Nature et société. pp. 249-261.
    Il est communément admis, aussi bien par les spécialistes que les non-spécialistes de la Grèce antique, qu'Aristote considère le barbaros ou l'autre Non-Grec comme radicalement distinct des Grecs (peut-être même racialement) et intrinsèquement inférieur à eux. Cette idée puise sa source dans ses remarques sur l'esclavage, sur les institutions politiques non grecques, sur les caractères naturels ou ethniques. Mais l’idée la plus répandue manque de nuance, et est souvent affirmée à tort en faisant l’économie d’un examen attentif des bases textuelles. (...)
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  22. America, Aristotle, and the Politics of a Middle Class. By Leslie G.Rubin. Pp. viii, 275, Waco, TX, Baylor University Press, 2018, $44.67. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):193-194.
  23. The Political Animal in Medieval Philosophy. A Philosophical Study of the Commentary Tradition c. 1260-1410.Juhana Toivanen - 2020 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    In The Political Animal in Medieval Philosophy Juhana Toivanen investigates what medieval philosophers meant when they argued that human beings are political animals by nature. He analyses the notion of ‘political animal’ from various perspectives and shows its relevance to philosophical discussions concerning the foundations of human sociability, ethics, and politics. -/- Medieval authors thought that social life stems from the biological and rational nature of human beings, and that collaboration with other people promotes prosperity and good life. Toivanen provides (...)
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  24. O naturalismo na Política de Aristóteles.Marina Leal Barão - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  25. Aristotle, athens and beyond - Lintott Aristotle's political philosophy in its historical context. A new translation and commentary on politics books 5 and 6. pp. X + 219. London and new York: Routledge, 2018. Cased, £115, us$140. Isbn: 978-1-138-57071-9. [REVIEW]Daniela Cammack - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):63-65.
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  26. Aristotle on Natural Slavery: An Analysis Using the Marxist Concept of Ideology.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2019 - Science and Society 83 (2):244-267.
    Aristotle’s account of natural slavery as presented in his Politics is often treated by historians of philosophy as an account that can be analyzed purely internally in terms of its argumentative structure without referring to social factors. Against this view, Aristotle’s account of natural slavery is seen to be ideological according to at least one variant of the Marxist concept of ideology, and cannot be understood without reference to Aristotle’s socioeconomic context. The ideological nature of Aristotle’s account of natural slavery (...)
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  27. Every Man a Legislator: Aristotle on Political Wisdom.Dhananjay Jagannathan - 2019 - Apeiron 52 (4):395-414.
    I argue that Aristotle’s unmodern conception of politics can only be understood by first understanding his distinctive picture of human agency and the excellence of political wisdom. I therefore undertake to consider three related puzzles: why at the outset of the Nicomachean Ethics [NE] is the human good said to be the same for a city and for an individual, such that the NE’s inquiry is political? why later on in the NE is political wisdom said to be the same (...)
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  28. Review of E. Rogan, La stásis dans la politique d’Aristote: la cité sous tension. [REVIEW]Thornton Lockwood - 2019 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 9.
    In the introduction to her book-length study of Aristotle’s concept of “στάσις” (variously translated in English as civil war, revolution, faction, unrest, but which I will leave untranslated), Esther Rogan writes that “En France, un travail exhaustif et systématique restait donc à accomplir sur la stásis</i> chez Aristote, afin de prolonger et de faire se rejoindre les perspectives développées par Nicole Loraux et par Pierre Pellegrin, mais également afin d’inscrire les débats anglo-saxons dans le champ de la recherche française et, (...)
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  29. The Best Way of Life for a Polis.Thornton C. Lockwood - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):5-22.
    Politics VII.1-3 enacts a contest that concludes that ‘whether for a whole city-state in common or for an individual, the best way of life would be a practical one’. Scholarship on VII.1-3 has focused on the best way of life for an individual to the neglect and even misunderstanding of the best way of life for a polis. The best way of life for a polis is, I argue, a specification of the foreign policy or ‘inter-polis’ relations for the best (...)
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  30. Aristotle, Politics: A New Translation, translated by C.D.C. Reeve.Adriel M. Trott - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):170-176.
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  31. Aristotle’s Anthropological Machine and Slavery.Tim Christiaens - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):239-262.
    Among the most controversial aspects of Aristotle’s philosophy is his endorsement of slavery. Natural slaves are excluded from political citizenship on ontological grounds and are thus constitutively unable to achieve the good life, identified with the collective cultivation of logos in the polis. Aristotle explicitly acknowledges their humanity, yet frequently emphasizes their proximity to animals. It is the latter that makes them purportedly unfit for the polis. I propose to use Agamben’s theory of the anthropological machine to make sense of (...)
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  32. In what sense exactly are human beings more political according to Aristotle?Refik Güremen - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (2):170-181.
    Abstract According to Aristotle, human beings are by nature political animals. It is now common knowledge that being political is not a human privilege for him: bees, wasps, ants and cranes are other political species. Although they are not the only political animals, human beings, for Aristotle, are still more political than the other political animals. The present article investigates the precise sense of this comparison; and it claims that the higher degree of human politicalness is not to be explained (...)
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  33. Aristotle Politics. A New Translation. With Introduction and Notes.Curtis Johnson - 2018 - Ancient Philosophy 38 (1):218-222.
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  34. Servile Spartans and Free Citizen-soldiers in Aristotle’s Politics 7–8.Thornton Lockwood - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (1):97-123.
    In the last two books of the Politics, Aristotle articulates an education program for his best regime in contrast to what he takes to be the goal and practices of Sparta’s educational system. Although Aristotle never refers to his program as liberal education, clearly he takes its goal to be the production of free male and female citizens. By contrast, he characterizes the results of the Spartan system as ‘crude’, ‘slavish’, and ‘servile’. I argue that Aristotle’s criticisms of Spartan education (...)
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  35. A new interpretation of Aristotle's politics. Riesbeck Aristotle on political community. Pp. XII + 322. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £74.99, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-107-10702-1. [REVIEW]Benjamin Miller - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):39-40.
  36. Judging Constitutions: Aristotle’s Critique of Plato’s Republic and Sparta.Thornton Lockwood - 2017 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99 (4):353-379.
    Although the second book of Aristotle’s Politics distinguishes between proposed and existing constitutions, careful examination of the criteria which Aristotle uses to judge Plato’s Republic and the Spartan constitution blurs the relevance of such a division. Aristotle uses the same four criteria to evaluate both constitutions and scholars have failed to appreciate that he uses the same criteria to organize his presentation of many of the arguments in Politics 2. By contrast, Aristotle discounts the criteria of stability in Politics 2. (...)
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  37. Review of Johnson, Philosophy and Politics in Aristotle's Politics. [REVIEW]Thornton C. Lockwood - 2017 - Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):227-230.
    It is a truism that Aristotle distinguishes theoretical, practical, and productive sciences; but Aristotle’s Metaphysics begins with a discussion of the nature of the free person and his Nicomachean Ethics concludes with one of his clearest statement of the nature of theoria, so perhaps the boundaries between those sci-ences in existing works are more porous. Curtis Johnson, author of Aristotle’s Theory of the State (New York: Macmillan, 1990), in his current volume seeks to clarify the boundary between theoretical science (the (...)
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  38. INTERPRETATIONS OF ARISTOTLE'S VIEWS ON POLITICS - Lockwood, Samaras Aristotle's Politics. A Critical Guide. Pp. x + 259. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Cased, £64.99, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-107-05270-3. [REVIEW]Kleanthis Mantzouranis - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (2):357-359.
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  39. On the Normative Consequences of Virtue and Utility Friendships in Aristotle.Daniel Simão Nascimento - 2017 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 43 (2):263-284.
    In this article, I use the expanded hohfeldian model presented by Wenar to argue that, according to Aristotle's theory of friendship, every bond of friendship that is based on utility or virtue creates duties and hohfeldian incidents between those who are friends. In section 1, I provide a quick presentation of Hohfeld's work and of Wenar's hohfeldian model. In section 2, I present my thesis about the creation of certain hohfeldian incidents and certain duties in virtue and utility friendships as (...)
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  40. Aristoteles'te Dilin Politik Rolü [The Political Role of Language in Aristotle].Güremen Refik - 2017 - Felsefe Tartismalari 53:16-38.
    Human beings, according to Aristotle, are not the only political animals. Bees, wasps, ants and cranes are the other political species mentioned by Aristotle in the History of Animals. Politics, I, 2 confirms this point and makes the additional statement that human beings, if not the only political animals, are nevertheless more political than the other political animals. There has been a traditional scholarly agreement that the capacity for rational speech is the reason why human beings are more political. This (...)
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  41. Aristotle’s Politics: A Critical Guide, written by Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras.P. L. P. Simpson - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):157-159.
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  42. Nature, Action, and Politics.Adriel M. Trott - 2017 - Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):113-128.
    Political theorists and feminist theorists alike have challenged accounts of political life that rest on an overcoming or separation from nature. They argue that such conceptions of political life divide between those who overcome their more natural existence to become political and those persons who are more closely associated with nature—women, workers, persons of color—and unable to be political (eg, Okin 1991, Pateman 1988, Mills 1997, Agamben 1998). Aristotle might be taken to offer an alternative conception of political community by (...)
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  43. Not Slavery, but Salvation.Adriel M. Trott - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):115-135.
    This paper argues that Aristotle challenges the view of Athenian democrats that all rule is master rule – the imposition of the will of the powerful on the powerless – by arguing that the politeuma, or government, should be identical with the politeia, understood both as the constitution and the collectivity of citizens. I examine Aristotle’s analysis and response to democrats’ skepticism of the law that the constitution embodies. Aristotle argues that democrats think law limits license even when the source (...)
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  44. The Middle Included - Logos in Aristotle.Ömer Aygün - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Northwestern University Press.
    The Middle Included is a systematic exploration of the meanings of logos throughout Aristotle’s work. It claims that the basic meaning is “gathering,” a relation that holds its terms together without isolating them or collapsing one to the other. This meaning also applies to logos in the sense of human language. Aristotle describes how some animals are capable of understanding non-firsthand experience without being able to relay it, while others relay it without understanding. Aygün argues that what distinguishes human language, (...)
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  45. Arystotelesowskie ujęcie homonimii.Mikołaj Domaradzki - 2016 - Diametros 50:1-24.
    The purpose of the paper is to discuss Aristotle’s account of homonymy. The major thesis advocated here is that Aristotle considers both entities and words to be homonymous, depending on the object of his criticism. Thus, when he takes issue with Plato, he tends to view homonymy more ontologically, upon which it is entities that become homonymous. When, on the other hand, he gainsays the exegetes or the sophists, he is inclined to perceive homonymy more semantically, upon which it is (...)
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  46. Aristotle's Politics: A Critical Guide. [REVIEW]Zena Hitz - 2016 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 8.
  47. The Politics of Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s Republic.Jozef Müller - 2016 - In Sharon Weisser & Naly Thaler (eds.), Strategies of Polemics in Greek and Roman Philosophy. Boston: Brill. pp. 93-112.
    In this paper, I concentrate on some of the more peculiar, perhaps even polemical, features of Aristotle’s discussions of Plato’s Republic in the second book of the Politics. These features include Aristotle’s several rather sharp or ironic remarks about Socrates and his project in the Republic, his use of rhetorical questions, or his tendency to bring out the most extreme consequences of Socrates’s theory (such as that it will destroy the polis and that it will lead to incestuous relationships). As (...)
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  48. Entre a família e a comunidade política: amizade, justiça e conflito prático em Aristóteles.Daniel Simão Nascimento - 2016 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 2 (37):268-284.
    O artigo tem por objetivo mostrar que, ao contrário do que muitos parecem ainda acreditar, a filosofia aristotélica reconhece a possibilidade de um conflito prático genuíno entre a busca do bem individual e a busca do bem da comunidade política por parte de um mesmo indivíduo. As conclusões alcançadas são puramente negativas. Este artigo terá cumprido o seu objetivo se contribuir para despertar no leitor o reconhecimento do problema e da necessidade de investigações ulteriores.
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  49. Demarcating Aristotelian Rhetoric: Rhetoric, the Subalternate Sciences, and Boundary Crossing.Marcus P. Adams - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (1):99-122.
    The ways in which the Aristotelian sciences are related to each other has been discussed in the literature, with some focus on the subalternate sciences. While it is acknowledged that Aristotle, and Plato as well, was concerned as well with how the arts were related to one another, less attention has been paid to Aristotle's views on relationships among the arts. In this paper, I argue that Aristotle's account of the subalternate sciences helps shed light on how Aristotle saw the (...)
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  50. Aristotle’s pambasileia and the metaphysics of monarchy.Carol Atack - 2015 - Polis 32 (2):297-320.
    Aristotle’s account of kingship in Politics 3 responds to the rich discourse on kingship that permeates Greek political thought (notably in the works of Herodotus, Xenophon and Isocrates), in which the king is the paradigm of virtue, and also the instantiator and guarantor of order, linking the political microcosm to the macrocosm of the universe. Both models, in separating the individual king from the collective citizenry, invite further, more abstract thought on the importance of the king in the foundation of (...)
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