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Plato: Aesthetics* (407 | 63)
Aristotle: Aesthetics* (155 | 135)

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  1. Las sphragídes en Metamorfosis 15 y en Amores 1.15: el anuncio de la inmortalidad y la vida eterna.Iván Manuel Giorgieff - 2024 - Argos 51:e0067.
    El presente trabajo se propone analizar el motivo de la inmortalidad del poeta en lassphragídes de Metamorfosis 15 (Ov. Met. 15. 861-879) y de Amores 1.15 (Ov. Am.1.15. 1-42) y el modo en que Ovidio se sirve de su producción literaria parainsertarse conscientemente en el canon grecolatino. El complejo entramado de lasobras y la mención a autores que ya han sido canonizados, así como los correlatoscon otras fuentes, le sirven para anunciar su inmortalidad gracias a la escritura, queserá plasmada en (...)
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  2. Lo que ocultan los peplos. Atuendos femeninos en Hécuba de Eurípides.Joaquín Lanza - 2024 - Argos 51:e0064.
    El vocablo πέπλος (“peplo”), que designa típicamente la túnica vestida por lasmujeres, se registra un total de once veces en Hécuba de Eurípides. Teniendo encuenta la estructura bipartita de esta tragedia y la importancia de la vestimenta en elmundo griego antiguo, este artículo se propone analizar las apariciones del términoen sus contextos, con la hipótesis de que los peplos ocultan pero a la vez revelan elcarácter de los personajes femeninos: Políxena, el coro de cautivas troyanas yHécuba, como también habilitan la (...)
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  3. Entre las Querellae y el Ars: esbozos de una retórica de la seducción en la Heroida 15 de Ovidio.Nicolás Pedro Alberto Reales - 2024 - Argos 51:e0066.
    La autenticidad de la Heroida 15 de Ovidio (Sappho Phaoni) fue objeto de grancontroversia crítica. Sin adentrarnos en la misma, pero a la luz de ella, mostramoslos mecanismos intratextuales, narrativos y estilísticos que instauran esta epístolacomo instancia de transición entre las simples (1-15) y las dobles (16-21).Abordamos fundamentalmente dos aspectos: en qué medida la Heroida 15 seconstruye como un “proemio en el medio” que determina la arquitectura global dela obra, y de qué manera su inscripción en el discurso elegíaco anticipa (...)
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  4. FURTHER THOUGHTS ON SOME CATULLAN QUESTIONS - (T.P.) Wiseman Catullan Questions Revisited. Pp. x + 176, b/w & colour ills, colour maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Cased, £75, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-009-23574-7. [REVIEW]Jesse Hill - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):466-468.
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  5. Euripides, Troades 95–7: Is Something Missing?David Kovacs - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):315-317.
    This paper raises objections to the constitution of these lines in the OCT. The lines are gnomic but they generalize based on an actual sequence of events just described and should contain an allusion to the offence that will cause the Greeks to perish, the outrage against Athena's temple. This, it is argued, stood in a lacuna best marked after 95. The article has three theses: (1) sacking ‘cities, temples, and tombs’ is implausible because the latter two are parts of (...)
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  6. The Tragedy of Dionysus in Euripides’ Bacchae.Derek Duplessie - 2024 - Polis 41 (3):435-455.
    This article argues for the significance of Euripides’ Bacchae to what Socrates, in Book X of the Republic, refers to as the ‘ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry’. I argue that the play’s presentation of Dionysus – the god of tragic theatre – amounts to a metapoetic treatment of tragic poetry; it is a tragedy about tragedy. The Bacchae can thus be read as a statement of tragic poetry’s self-understanding of its pedagogical and political goals as well as of its (...)
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  7. La arquitectura teatral griega como cuerpo-red de relaciones entre el universo teatral, la polis y el mundo.Juan Roche Cárcel - 2024 - Argos 49:e0053.
    En este artículo, la arquitectura teatral de la Grecia Antigua va a ser considerada como un cuerpo-signo que significa, construido social, cultural y políticamente, como un reflejo y creador del orden social, como un cuerpo que es civilización y, por consiguiente, como un microcosmos de la con­cepción del mundo de los griegos antiguos. Y es que la arquitectura teatral es vista por los helenos como un cuerpo articulador, delimitado, diferenciado y separado y con entradas o salidas que comunican sus funciones (...)
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  8. Repensando a Terencio: un estudio métrico y musical de Andria.Pablo Martín García - 2023 - Argos 47:e0037.
    Este trabajo plantea un análisis métrico de Andria a partir de una ruptura con la manera tradicional de estudiar la obra del africano —que juzga sus comedias a la sombra de los procedimientos compositivos de Plauto— con miras a un estudio integral del fenómeno métrico en Terencio. El análisis de la macroestructura y la microestructura métricas de la obra demuestra una estrecha imbricación entre los componentes métrico-musicales y el significado de los elementos de la trama y arroja nueva luz sobre (...)
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  9. Strabo and Demetrius of Scepsis on Filling Gaps in the Homeric Account.René Nünlist - 2024 - Hermes 152 (3):337-347.
    A controversy among ancient geographers about the localisation of the Argonauts’ quest for the golden fleece has deeper methodological implications because it reflects divergent views on how to fill gaps in the account that serves as one’s source. Reconstructing the controversy step by step, the article aims to bring to light these methodological implications. In so doing, it also demonstrates that the extant editions unjustifiably curtail the text of the relevant fragment from Demetrius of Scepsis. And it argues for a (...)
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  10. Oratory and Theatre in the Late Roman Republic.George Bogdan Cristea - 2024 - Hermes 152 (2):165-190.
  11. Old Comedy and Athenian Power.Leah Lazar - 2024 - Polis 41 (1):51-75.
    In this article, jumping off from Geoffrey de Ste. Croix’s treatment of Aristophanes and the Megarian Decree, I argue that Old Comedy is an underutilised category of evidence for the study of the popular intellectual history of Athens. My particular focus here is the Athenian empire: how does Old Comedy present Athenian power and what does this comic presentation tell us about how at least some ordinary Athenians understood it? Can one popular Athenian imaginary of the empire be constructed through (...)
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  12. An Invitation to Think: Three Entangled Problems in Plato's Sophist [Een uitnodiging tot denken: Plato's Sofist als kluwen van problemen].Martijn Boven - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (4):6-15.
    -/- In Plato's work the "Sophist", Socrates, who typically occupies a central position in Plato's dialogues, is assigned a supporting role. This has led some scholars to argue for a shift in Plato's oeuvre, where he distances himself from Socrates and introduces a new main protagonist. However, this new protagonist remains unnamed and is only identified by his social position as Xenos, indicating that he is an outsider and a stranger whose identity is ambiguous. In this article, I argue that (...)
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  13. Horace on ‘Imitation’ and Life.Robert Parker - 2023 - Hermes 151 (3):383-384.
    Horace Ars Poetica 317–8 plays pointedly on the transition in the sense of μίμησις from imitation of life to imitation of a literary model, suggesting that the poet should ‘look back’ at times from the latter to the former.
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  14. Las tres categorías estéticas de la cultura clásica: armonía, claridad, grandeza.José O'Callaghan - 1960 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Luis Vives" de Filosofía.
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  15. Mass und Harmonie.Johanna Schmidt - 1968 - Berlin: [Institut für Kultur- und Heimatkunde].
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  16. Expert Impressions in Stoicism.Máté Veres & David Machek - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (2):241-264.
    We focus on the question of how expertise as conceived by the Stoics interacts with the content of impressions. In Section 1, we situate the evidence concerning expert perception within the Stoic account of cognitive development. In Section 2, we argue that the content of rational impressions, and notably of expert impressions, is not exhausted by the relevant propositions. In Section 3, we argue that expert impressions are a subtype of kataleptic impressions which achieve their level of clarity and distinctness (...)
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  17. ‘Law and literature’ in tacitus - (j.) Petersen Recht bei tacitus. Pp. XX + 617. Berlin and boston: De gruyter, 2019. Cased, £72.50, €79.95, us$91.99. Isbn: 978-3-11-057988-8. [REVIEW]Kimberley Czajkowski - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):126-128.
  18. Toward Moral Sublimity: Elements of a Theory of Humor.David Bartosch - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):25-62.
    This article outlines a new theory of humor. The concept of humor is developed in the sense of five dialectical levels, respectively, sequential phenomenalities of humorous consciousness. These range from a level of most inferior humor up to a stage of most sublime humor. Systematically speaking, humor is viewed from an enhanced perspective of transcendental philosophy, namely as a medium of self-unfolding practical reason. It is considered as a complementary potency to the practical force of the latter’s regulative principle, and (...)
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  19. Preparations for a Structuralist Study of Cannibalism in Greek Myth.P. Winston Fettner - manuscript
    This essay argues that the Ancient Greek's tales of cannibalism were not really about cannibalism at all, but about more typically Greek issues (such as the transfer of political power, the guest-host relationship, the initiation of youths into adulthood, and so on). Cannibalism is rather the image used to designate the negative extremes of human behavior as conceived by the Hellenic world: social breakdown, barbarism, reversion to animality, and ultimately, the inability to live under the institution of the polis.
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  20. Ideas of Beauty, Ideals of Character.Jonathan Fine - forthcoming - In Kelly Olson (ed.), A Cultural History of Beauty in Antiquity.
    This chapter presents several of the dominant ideas and intellectual debates about human beauty from archaic Greece to early Christianity. At issue are ideals of character, ethical ideals of who one should be and how one should live. What constitutes beauty and why beauty matters change alongside conceptions of body and soul, virtue and happiness, and the relationship between human beings and the divine.
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  21. How to Resist Musical Dogmatism: The Aim and Methods of Pyrrhonian Inquiry in Sextus Empiricus' Against the Musicologists (Math. 6).Mate Veres - 2020 - In Francesco Pelosi & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.), Music and Philosophy in the Roman Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 108-130.
    In Against the Musicologists (Math. 6), Sextus uses two types of arguments against musicology. Some would argue that a science of music – does not contribute to a happy life, while others deny that such a science has ever been established. Since the respective beliefs that musicology exists and that it benefits those who have mastered it are fine specimens of dogmatism, all Sextus has to do is to set the naysayers and the believers against each other in good Pyrrhonian (...)
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  22. Crafting chaos: Intelligent design in ovid, metamorphoses book 1 and Plato's timaeus.Peter Kelly - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):734-748.
    Many attempts have been made to define the precise philosophical outlook of Ovid's account of cosmogony from the beginning of the Metamorphoses, while numerous different and interconnected influences have been identified including Homer, Hesiod, Empedocles, Apollonius Rhodius, Lucretius and Virgil. This has led some scholars to conclude that Ovid's cosmogony is simply eclectic, a magpie collection of various poetic and philosophical snippets haphazardly jumbled together, and with no significant philosophical dimension whatsoever. A more constructive approach could see Ovid's synthesis of (...)
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  23. 'Longinus' on the Sublime.George Kennedy & D. A. Russell - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (3):355.
  24. J. J. Pollitt: Art and Experience in Classical Greece. Pp. xv+205; 87 figs. Cambridge: University Press, 1972. Cloth, £4·60. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):148-149.
  25. Raimund Daut: Imago. Untersuchungen zum Bildbegriff der Römer. (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Neue Folge, 2 Reihe, Band 56.) Pp. 164. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1975. Cloth, DM. 86.Nicholas Horsfall - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (1):163-163.
  26. W. Kullman, H. Flashar, F. Hampl: Mythos. Deutung und Bedeutung. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Dies philologici Aenipontani, 5.) Pp. 67; 4 colour plates; 18 figs. University of Innsbruck, 1987. Paper. [REVIEW]Alan Griffiths - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):421-421.
  27. Barbara Pavlock: Eros, Imitation, and the Epic Tradition. Pp. xi + 230. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1990. $29.95. [REVIEW]D. W. T. Vessey - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (2):495-495.
  28. Images - H. Belting: Likeness and Presence. A History of the Image before the Era of Art . Pp. xxiv+651, 295 black-and-white ills, 12 colour plates. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1994 . Cased, £51.95/$74.75. [REVIEW]John Elsner - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (2):373-375.
  29. D. Mulroy: The Complete Poetry of Catullus. Pp. xliv + 114. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2002. Paper. ISBN: 0-299-17774-2. [REVIEW]Monica R. Gale - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (1):246-246.
  30. B. Bergmann, C. Kondoleon : The Art of Ancient Spectacle. Pp. 374, ills, pls. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. Cased, £35. ISBN: 0-300-07733-5. [REVIEW]Michael Whitby - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):185-185.
  31. D. T. Benediktson: Literature and the Visual Arts in Ancient Greece and Rome. Pp. xi + 259, pls. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2000. Cased, $37.95. ISBN: 0-8061-3207-8. [REVIEW]Zahra Newby - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (2):385-386.
  32. F. Dupont: The Invention of Literature. From Greek Intoxication to the Latin Book. Translated by J. Lloyd. Pp. xi + 287. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 . Cased, £37. ISBN: 0-8018-5864-X. [REVIEW]Efi Spentzou - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (1):256-257.
  33. Gale Latin Epic and Didactic Poetry. Genre, Tradition and Individuality. Pp. xxiv + 264. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2004. Cased. ISBN 0-9543845-6-3. [REVIEW]Elaine Fantham - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):104-106.
  34. Martindale Latin Poetry and the Judgement of Taste. An Essay in Aesthetics. Pp. x + 265. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £50. ISBN: 0-19-924040-X. [REVIEW]Richard Jenkyns - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):102-104.
  35. Destrée, Pierre, and Penelope Murray, eds. A companion to ancient aesthetics. Hoboken, nj: Wiley‐blackwell, 2015, XIV + 538 pp., 26 b&w illus., $195.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Jonathan Fine - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (2):222-225.
    Review of the first comprehensive companion to the growing scholarship on ancient Greek and Roman aesthetics.
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  36. Drama and rhetoric - Sansone greek drama and the invention of rhetoric. Pp. XII + 258. Malden, ma and oxford: Wiley–blackwell, 2012. Cased, £66.95, €80.40, us$99.95. Isbn: 978-1-118-35708-8. [REVIEW]Edmund Stewart - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):26-28.
  37. Stertinian Rhetoric: Pre-Imperial Stoic Theory and Practice of Public Discourse.Jula Wildberger - 2013 - In Christos Kremmydas & Kathryn Tempest (eds.), Hellenistic Oratory: Continuity and Change. Oxford University Press. pp. 249-276.
    According to an ancient stereotype, prominent in Cicero’s writings, Stoics hated rhetoric and were really bad it. But Horaces’ Satires are populated with lecturing Stoics using colorful, effusive language to cure their audience. The paper asks how “rhetorical” Stoics really were and argues that there was a continued tradition of Stoic rhetoric linking the diatribic speech of the Imperial period to its Hellenistic practitioners. It surveys the evidence for Stoic orators and rhetorical writers in the Hellenistic period and presents evidence (...)
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  38. The Philosophy of Artistic Creation: Phidias, the Ideas, and Cicero.Anna Motta - 2017 - Apeiron 51 (3):325-344.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  39. The Stoic Definition of Beauty as Summetria.Aiste Celkyte - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1).
    The Stoa might be not the first philosophical school that comes to mind when considering the most important ancient contributions to aesthetics, yet multiple extant fragments show that the Stoics had a non-marginal theoretical interest in aesthetic properties. Probably the most important piece of evidence for the Stoic attempts to theorize beauty is the definition of beauty as summetria of parts with each other and with the whole. In the first half of this article, I present and analyse the main (...)
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  40. The Ancient View of Greek Art. [REVIEW]Hugh Plommer - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (2):250-252.
  41. Greek Literary Criticism. By J. D. Denniston. (The Library of Greek Thought. Edited by Ernest Barker, M. A.). One vol. Pp. xli+224. London: J. M. Dent, 1924. 5s. [REVIEW]F. L. Lucas - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (7-8):207-207.
  42. Der Mimesisbegriff in der Griechischen Antike: Neubetrachtung eines Umstrittenen Begriffes als Ansatz zu einer Neuen Interpretation der Platonischen Kunstauffassung. [REVIEW]Stephen Halliwell - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):176-177.
  43. Benedetto Croce. Il filosofo—il critico—lo storico. [REVIEW]J. Tate - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (1):43-43.
  44. The Budé Edition of the Greek Anthology. [REVIEW]E. A. Barber - 1940 - The Classical Review 36 (1):17-18.
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  45. Zum Text von Philodems Schrift De Musica. [REVIEW]E. K. Borthwick - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (2):200-201.
  46. Allegoristi di Omero a Bisanzio: ricerche ermeneutiche. [REVIEW]N. G. Wilson - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (1):234-235.
  47. Classical Literary Criticism. [REVIEW]Ian Rutherford - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (1):203-203.
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  48. De [Mimeseos] Apud Platonem Et Aristotelem Notione Dissertatio.Wilhelm Ludwig Abeken - 1836 - Dieterich.
  49. War, Mathematics, and Art in Ancient Greece.John Onians - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (1):39-62.
  50. Response: Ludlam on Sider on Ludlam. [REVIEW]Ivor Ludlam - 1992 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3 (5):377-80.
    A response to Sider's review of my Hippias Major: An Interpretation.
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