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  1. Victor Frankenstein and The Crisis of European Man.Thomas Meagher - 2024 - In Michael R. Paradiso-Michau (ed.), Creolizing Frankenstein. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 315–338.
    This paper examines Edmund Husserl's assessment of the modern sciences and articulation of "the crisis of European Man" in terms of motifs from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, interpreted in light of issues in Africana philosophy and feminist thought.
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  2. Creolized Reflection.Thomas Meagher - 2023 - In Kris Sealey & Storm Heter (eds.), Creolizing Sartre. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 135–147.
    This paper discusses Jean-Paul Sartre's conceptions of pure reflection and impure reflection, affirming the distinction but arguing for an intermediate mode of reflection: creolized reflection. Creolized reflection is not impure as it does not regard consciousness as being-in-itself, but it transcends pure reflection in concretely negating the relationship between consciousness and imposed conceptions of being-in-itself. I argue that this mode of reflection is at play in much Africana phenomenology and conceptions of potentiated double consciousness.
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  3. Hayti Was the Measure: Anti-Black Racism and the Echoes of Empire in Josiah Royce’s Philosophy of Loyalty.Tommy J. Curry - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (2):73-97.
    In 1814, Baron de Vastey wrote in The Colonial System Unveiled: “When Europeans came to the new world, their first steps were accompanied by crimes on a grand scale, massacres, the destruction of empires, the obliteration of entire nations from the ranks of the living”. Jean Louis Vastey was a Black Haytien man born in 1781, who assumed the role of an administrator in Hayti after Jean-Jacques Dessalines freed the island from European rule. The Haytien Revolution, which was fought from (...)
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  4. On Conceptualising African Diasporas in Europe.Michael McEachrane - 2021 - African Diaspora 13 (1-2):1-23.
    The article argues that there are three senses of the term African diaspora – a continental, a cultural and a racial sense – which need to be distinguished from each other when conceptualising Black African diasporas in Europe. Although African Diaspora Studies is occupied with African diasporas in a racial sense, usually it has conceptualised these in terms of racial and cultural identities. This is also true of the past decades of African Diaspora Studies on Europe. This article makes an (...)
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  5. The Decolonial Reduction and the Transcendental-Phenomenological Reduction.Thomas Meagher - 2021 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (1):72-96.
    This paper offers a philosophical exploration of Nelson Maldonado-Torres’s formulation of the “decolonial reduction” as an instrument of phenomenology and ideological critique. Comparing the decolonial reduction to Edmund Husserl’s notion of the transcendental-phenomenological reduction or epoché, I argue that working through the demands of rigor for either mode of reduction points to areas of overlap: the work of transcendental phenomenology is incomplete without the performance of the decolonial reduction and vice versa. I then assess Maldonado-Torres’s anchoring of the decolonial reduction (...)
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  6. Pan-Africanism and the African Diaspora in Europe.Michael McEachrane - 2020 - In Reiland Rabaka (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism. Routledge. pp. 231-248.
    This chapter outlines the philosophy of the Pan-African conferences 1900–1945 and situates Pan-Africanism in a European context. It presents Pan-Africanism as part of European history and realities and as a conceptual framework for the African diaspora in Europe. It calls for reframing European histories and realities in ways that are neither racially exclusive nor nationalistic.
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  7. William Abraham: The Mind of Africa. [REVIEW]Richmond Kwesi - 2019 - Contemporary Journal of African Studies 6:158-162.
    A journey through The Mind of Africa offers one a breath-taking scenery of the cultural traditions, practices, and conceptions of African societies. Interlacing his exposition with proverbs and sayings, Abraham offers unique perspectives and interpretations of the Akan culture and conceptual scheme – Akan cultural values, social and political institutions, metaphysical conceptions of man and society – as paradigmatic of the culture and conceptual schemes of African societies. But crucially, Abraham reveals, examines, and rejects, a plethora of unfounded notions about (...)
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  8. Individualism in African Moral Cultures.Motsamai Molefe - 2017 - Cultura 14 (2):49-68.
    This article repudiates the dichotomy that African ethics is communitarian (relational) and Western ethics is individualistic. ‘Communitarianism’ is the view that morality is ultimately grounded on some relational properties like love or friendship; and, ‘individualism’ is the view that morality is ultimately a function of some individual property like a soul or welfare. Generally, this article departs from the intuition that all morality including African ethics, philosophically interpreted, is best understood in terms of individualism. But, in this article, I limit (...)
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  9. Listening to Ourselves: A Multilingual Anthology of African Philosophy.Chike Jeffers (ed.) - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
  10. African Philosophy of Education Reconsidered: On Being Human.Yusef Waghid - 2013 - Routledge.
    Much of the literature on the African philosophy of education juxtaposes two philosophical strands as mutually exclusive entities; traditional ethnophilosophy on the one hand, and ‘scientific’ African philosophy on the other. While traditional ethnophilosophy is associated with the cultural artefacts, narratives, folklore and music of Africa’s people, ‘scientific’ African philosophy is primarily concerned with the explanations, interpretations and justifications of African thought and practice along the lines of critical and transformative reasoning. These two alternative strands of African philosophy invariably impact (...)
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  11. A history of African philosophy.Bartholomew Abanuka - 2011 - Enugu, Nigeria: Spiritan Publications.
  12. Introduction to Africana Philosophy, Lewis Gordon, Cambridge University Press, 2008. [REVIEW]Mehmet Karabela - 2011 - Canadian Journal of African Studies 45 (3):605-608.
  13. Symbolic forms for a new humanity: cultural and racial reconfigurations of critical theory.Drucilla Cornell - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Kenneth Michael Panfilio.
    In dialogue with afro-caribbean philosophy, this book seeks in Cassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms a new vocabulary for approaching central intellectual and ...
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  14. Philosophy in an African Place.Bruce B. Janz - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Philosophy in an African Place shifts the central question of African philosophy from "Is there an African philosophy?" to "What is it to do philosophy in this place?" This book both opens up new questions within the field and also establishes "philosophy-in-place", a mode of philosophy which begins from the places in which concepts have currency and shows how a truly creative philosophy can emerge from focusing on questioning, listening, and attention to difference.
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  15. An Introduction to Africana Philosophy.Lewis R. Gordon - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this undergraduate textbook Lewis R. Gordon offers the first comprehensive treatment of Africana philosophy, beginning with the emergence of an Africana consciousness in the Afro-Arabic world of the Middle Ages. He argues that much of modern thought emerged out of early conflicts between Islam and Christianity that culminated in the expulsion of the Moors from the Iberian Peninsula, and from the subsequent expansion of racism, enslavement, and colonialism which in their turn stimulated reflections on reason, liberation, and the meaning (...)
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  16. Constructing an Authentic Self: The challenges and promise of African-centered pedagogy.Michael Merry - 2008 - American Journal of Education 115 (1):35-64.
    Notwithstanding its many successes, African-centred pedagogy (ACP) has been vulnerable to criticism, implicit and explicit, from several quarters. For example, ACP can be justly criticized for not recognizing the general diversity of blacks in America, a “nation” of more than 30 million spread across a tremendous variety of lifeways, locations, and historical circumstances. It also has been accused of abandoning the democratic purposes of the civil rights movement and repudiating its real successes. In addition to the ambiguities of Black identity, (...)
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  17. Lewis Gordon.Nelson Maldonado Torres - 2008 - CLR James Journal 14 (1):103-137.
  18. Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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  19. Philosophy in Multiple Voices.Lewis R. Gordon, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Randall Halle, David Haekwon Kim, Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Lucius T. Outlaw, Nancy Tuana & Dale Turner - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The scope of Philosophy in Multiple Voices provides the reader with eight philosophical streams of thought-African-American, Afro-Caribbean, Asian-American, Feminist, Latin-American, Lesbian, Native-American and Queer-that introduce readers to alternative, complex philosophical questions concerning gendered, sexed, racial and ethnic identities, canon formation, and meta-philosophy. The overriding theme of the text is that philosophy is pluralistic in voice, rich in diversity, and ought to valorize democratic intellectual spaces of philosophical engagement.
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  20. Philosophy in Multiple Voices.George Yancy (ed.) - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The scope of Philosophy in Multiple Voices provides the reader with eight philosophical streams of thought-African-American, Afro-Caribbean, Asian-American, Feminist, Latin-American, Lesbian, Native-American and Queer-that introduce readers to alternative, complex philosophical questions concerning gendered, sexed, racial and ethnic identities, canon formation, and meta-philosophy. The overriding theme of the text is that philosophy is pluralistic in voice, rich in diversity, and ought to valorize democratic intellectual spaces of philosophical engagement.
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  21. African Philosophy: New and Traditional Perspectives.M. Brown Lee (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Oup Usa.
    African Philosophy is a collection of previously unpublished essays that address epistemological and metaphysical concerns that have emerged from the sub-Saharan regions of Africa. The primary focus of the book is on traditional African conceptions of mind, person, personal identity, truth, knowledge, understanding, objectivity, and reality. The collection also discusses traditional African conceptions of causation, destiny, and free will.
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  22. A Companion to African Philosophy.Kwasi Wiredu (ed.) - 2004 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume of newly commissioned essays provides comprehensive coverage of African philosophy, ranging across disciplines and throughout the ages. _ Offers a distinctive historical treatment of African philosophy. Covers all the main branches of philosophy as addressed in the African tradition. Includes accounts of pre-colonial African philosophy and contemporary political thought. _.
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  23. Bioethics and the problem of pluralism.Donald Ainslie - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (2):1-28.
    The state that we inhabit plays a significant role in shaping our lives. For not only do its institutions constrain the kinds of lives we can lead, but it also claims the right to punish us if our choices take us beyond what it deems to be appropriate limits. Political philosophers have traditionally tried to justify the state's power by appealing to their preferred theories of justice, as articulated in complex and wide-ranging moral theories—utilitarianism, Kantianism, and the like. One of (...)
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  24. Sediments and Shadows: Identity and Colonialism in the United States Virgin Islands.Gertrude Maria James Gonzalez - 2000 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton
    Sediments and Shadows: Identity and Colonialism in the United States Virgin Islands focuses on the effects of colonialism on communication, subjectivity, and representation by revealing the agency of peoples under colonization, showing interaction, and resisting abstractions from the concrete. It explores the existential transformation of St. Croix from a seemingly pre-defined colonized entity into an identity that has demonstrated itself to have been always already fluid and incapable of being easily defined. Focusing on the U.S. Virgin Islands, my homeland, Sediments (...)
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  25. Communitarian selves in African Thought.P. H. Coetzee - 1999 - In A. P. J. Roux & P. H. Coetzee (eds.), Beyond the Question of African Philosophy - A selection of papers presented at international colloquia, Unisa, 1994-1996. Pretoria: Unisa Press. pp. Pp. 115-122.
    In this paper African ideas of the communitarian self, presented in the work of Kwame Gyekye and Kwasi Wiredu among others, are examined with a view to tracing their implications for communitarian ethics.
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  26. African Philosophy: An Anthology.Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (ed.) - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Bringing together canonical philosophical texts from African, African-American, Afro-Caribbean, and Black European thinkers, this major new anthology is designed to serve both as a textbook and as the authoritative reference volume in Africana philosophical and cultural studies.
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  27. Africana philosophy.Lucius Outlaw - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (3):265-290.
    Africana Philosophy is a gathering notion used to cover collectively particular articulations, and traditions of particular articulations, of persons African and African-descended that are to be regarded as instances of philosophizing. (The notion is meant to cover, as well, the philosophizing efforts of persons not African or African-descended, efforts that are, nonetheless, contributions to the philosophizing endeavors that constitute Africana philosophy.) A central concern of the essay is the question whether there are characteristics of the philosophizing practices of persons identified (...)
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  28. The Hermeneutics of African Philosophy: Horizon and Discourse.Tsenay Serequeberhan - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Hermeneutics is a crucial but neglected perspective in African philosophy. Here, Tsenay Serequeberhan engages post-colonial African literature and the ideas of the African liberation struggle with critically-used insights from the European philosophical tradition. Continuing the work of Theophilus Okere and Okonda Okolo, this book attempts to overcome the debate between ethnophilosophy and professional philosophy, demonstrating that the promise of African philosophy lies with the critical development of the African hermeneutical perspective.
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  29. Afro-Brazilian Mosques in West Africa.Barry Hallen - 1988 - Mimar 29:16--23.
    The architecture of mosques in West Africa, specifically southwestern Nigeria, evidences the input of Africans who were involved with the design of the Baroque churches of Bahia, Brazil.
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