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  1. The Debunking Project. Developing a Framework for the Scope and Requirements of Successful Evolutionary Debunking Arguments.Philippe Biermann - 2025 - Bielefeld: Bielefeld University.
    This dissertation explores the theoretical and empirical foundations of Evolutionary Debunking Arguments (EDAs), a critical philosophical type of argument used to challenge realist positions across various domains, notably morality. The dissertation systematically analyzes how EDAs function, what they require as minimal empirical input, what their scope and limits are, and how they can be successfully applied to domains beyond morality. -/- By investigating the empirical credibility of evolutionary psychology and the epistemological consequences of belief formation through natural selection, the dissertation (...)
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  2. Motivational Internalism and Disinterestedness.Ryan P. Doran - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 65 (1):61-80.
    According to the most important objection to the existence of moral beauty, true judgements of moral beauty are not possible as moral judgements require being motivated to act in line with the moral judgement made, and judgements of beauty require not being motivated to act in any way. Here, I clarify the argument underlying the objection and demonstrate that it does not show that moral beauty does not exist. I present two responses: namely, that the beauty of moral beauty does (...)
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  3. Choosing Our Aesthetic Practices Wisely: Embodiment, Pleasure, and Justice.Sherri Irvin - forthcoming - Debates in Aesthetics.
    Aesthetic responses to human embodiment play important roles in our individual and social flourishing. Our ability to feel comfortable with and even take pleasure in our own embodiment contributes to our well-being, and our capacity to appreciate the embodiment of others contributes to our full recognition of them as persons and to their feeling of being valued and at home in the world. We are socialized into practices of appreciating bodily beauty: the facial and bodily qualities that a culture picks (...)
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  4. Rillen und Falten. Oder: Die doppelte Authentifizierung in Chanels Beauté Boutique. Vinylschallplatten, Warenwelt und das Selbst in der Metamoderne.Gerrit Fröhlich, Holger Lund, Katharina Zindel & Oliver Zöllner - 2024 - In Amrei Bahr & Gerrit Fröhlich (eds.), 'Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing?': Formen und Funktionen medialer Artefakt-Authentifizierung. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 71-100.
    This book chapter analyzes the marketing of luxury consumer goods (in particular, cosmetics) in the context of questions pertaining to authenticity, simulation, and the self in meta-modernity. It is based on case studies from Germany and East Asia, where a luxury brand company had set up pop-up stores in the guise of convincing-looking record shops, cafés and club situations in which semi-fake vinyl discs (with glossy fantasy sleeves printed just for the occasion, and the vinyl grooves being either 'empty' or (...)
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  5. Aesthetic Non-Naturalism.Daan Evers - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):505-520.
    Aesthetic non-naturalism is the view that there are objective aesthetic truths that hold in virtue of sui generis facts. This view is seldom explicitly endorsed in philosophical aesthetics. I argue that many aestheticians should treat it as the view to beat, since (a) their commitments favour aesthetic realism, (b) non-naturalistic forms of aesthetic realism are particularly promising and (c) non-naturalists have reasonable answers to four important objections.
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  6. REALISM IN ART AND REALISM OF ART / РЕАЛИЗМ В ИСКУССТВЕ И РЕАЛИЗМ ИСКУССТВА.Pavel Simashenkov - 2024 - Актуальные Вопросы Культуры, Искусства, Образования 40 (№ 2):75-82.
    The article analyzes the aesthetic content of the concept of realism in stylistic, genre and ideological aspects. Guided by the comparative method and a comprehensive approach to the study of the problem, the author declares the a priori avant-garde nature of art and, as a result, the groundlessness of confrontation between realists and avant-gardists. The catharsis achieved by the realism of expressive means should be real. Thus, the author's vision of realism presupposes not so much the harmony of art with (...)
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  7. Aesthetic Peerhood and the Significance of Aesthetic Peer Disagreement.Quentin Pharr & Clotilde Torregrossa - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy:1-20.
    Both aestheticians and social epistemologists are concerned with disagreement. However, in large part, their literature has yet to overlap substantially in terms of discussing whether there are viable conceptions of aesthetic peerhood and what the significance of aesthetic peer disagreement might be as a result. This article aims to address this gap. Taking cues from both the aesthetics and social epistemological literature, it develops several conceptions of aesthetic peerhood that are not only constituted by various forms of cognitive peerhood and (...)
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  8. Nominalist Theory of Aesthetic Experience.Andrei Nekhaev - 2023 - Lomonosov Philosophy Journal 56 (1):66–81.
    The article presents a critique of aesthetic realism. The core of this theory contains three theses: (AR) aesthetic properties are the sources of aesthetic experience; (PA) perceptual acquaintance with the objects of aesthetic evaluation is a sine qua non condition for making an judgment; (DM) aesthetic properties are describable. Arguments of faultless disagreement, esse is percipi, and zombie art cast doubt on theses (AR) and (DM). Based on this critique, an alternative nominalist theory of aesthetic experience is proposed, in which (...)
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  9. Curation as Ontology, or Can We Fold Reality as an Object?Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2024 - Cosmos and History 20 (1):179-220.
    I propose to open a discussion on a realist philosophy of curation. To do so, I plot premises that will move towards such a philosophy. While I am neither introducing a new ontology nor contributing to metaphysics, I deal with metaphysical and ontological issues as these engage in the philosophy of curation and the philosophy of museums. In particular, I start with a museological or curatorial realism towards a discussion on meeting curation with the broadness of reality. There are three (...)
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  10. Le modernisme récalcitrant de Roberto Schwarz.Raphael F. Alvarenga - 2023 - Letterature D'America 43 (195):99-114.
    In contrast to the thesis of a thorough homology between the demystifying vocation of modernism and the profanatory tendencies of capitalist dynamics, the work of Roberto Schwarz seems to provide elements for a more nuanced conception of the modernist experience. While denouncing the setback caused by the routinisation of artistic strategies of defamiliarization, the Brazilian critic remains reluctant to accept the postmodernist assumption that any attempt to give consequence to the modernist universe in changed circumstances is necessarily doomed to failure. (...)
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  11. Aesthetic properties.Sonia Sedivy - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
    Aesthetic properties figure prominently in our daily lives, our conversations and many actions we take. Yet theoretical disagreement prevails over their nature, their variety, their epistemic and metaphysical status. This overview highlights the heterogeneity of aesthetic properties and examines repercussions for explanation. Aesthetic properties belong to natural objects or scenes, to artworks in any medium, to artefacts and built environments across historical eras; and they draw a wide variety of responses such as our perceptions, emotions or imaginative thought. Historicism about (...)
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  12. Truly, Madly, Deeply: Moral Beauty & the Self.Ryan P. Doran - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    When are morally good actions beautiful, when indeed they are? In this paper, it is argued that morally good actions are beautiful when they appear to express the deep or true self, and in turn tend to give rise to an emotion which is characterised by feelings of being moved, unity, inspiration, and meaningfulness, inter alia. In advancing the case for this claim, it is revealed that there are additional sources of well-formedness in play in the context of moral beauty (...)
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  13. Ficta and Virtuality: An Ingardenian Ontology of Virtualized Ficta.Hicham Jakha - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (1):199-212.
    In my paper, I establish an Ingardenian phenomenological ontology of "virtualized ficta", i.e., fictional entities introduced to virtual gaming. The first Section of my paper provides an ontology of virtualized ficta, focusing primarily on their ‘‘existential moments’’. But in order to have a firm grasp of the ontological aspects grounding the virtual work, it’s important to engage its strata. This is what I attempt to do in Section 1.2. Virtualized ficta’s intentional dependencies are strongly manifest in what I call the (...)
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  14. Art, Affectivity, and Aesthetic Value: Geiger on the Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Appreciation.Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 10 (2):143 - 159.
    This paper explores Moritz Geiger’s work on the role of emotions in aesthetic appreciation and shows its potential for contemporary research. Drawing on the main tenets of Geiger’s phenomenological aesthetics as an aesthetics of value, the paper begins by elaborating his model of aesthetic appreciation. I argue that, placed in the contemporary debate, his model is close to affective models which make affective states responsible for the apprehension of the aesthetic value of an artwork, though Geiger also makes important concessions (...)
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  15. Cinema and Death: on image and immortality.Milad Roshani Payan - 2018 - Tehran: Qoqnoos ltd.
    Cinema and Death: on Image and Immortality (سینما و مرگ: درباره نامیرایی و تصویر / Sīnimā va marg : darbārah-ʼi nāmīrāyī va taṣvīr) is a Persian book on philosophy of film, written by Milad Roshani Payan. in February 2020, the book won the highest award in the most prestigious book award in Iran, called Iran's Book of the Year Awards, in dramatic arts category. The book is divided into six chapters, and in each chapter, the relationship between cinema and death (...)
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  16. Introduction to the special issue “alethic pluralism and the normativity of truth”.Filippo Ferrari & Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):309-310.
    In Truth and Objectivity, Crispin Wright argues that because truth is a distinctively normative property, it cannot be as metaphysically insubstantive as deflationists claim.1 This argument has been taken, together with the scope problem,2 as one of the main motivations for alethic pluralism.3 We offer a reconstruction of Wright’s Inflationary Argument (henceforth IA) aimed at highlighting what are the steps required to establish its inflationary conclusion. We argue that if a certain metaphysical and epistemological view of a given subject matter (...)
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  17. Aesthetic Truth Through the Ages.Ryan Michael Miller - 2020 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94:139-151.
    Classical authors were generally artistic realists. The predominant aesthetic theory was mimesis, which saw the truth of art as its successful representation of reality. High modernists rejected this aesthetic theory as lifeless, seeing the truth of art as its subjective expression. This impasse has serious consequences for both the Church and the public square. Moving forward requires both, first, an appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of the high modernist critique of classical mimetic theory, and, second, a theory of truth (...)
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  18. Kreativität und Mimesis. Das Bildschaffen in interkultureller Perspektive.Zhuofei Wang - 2022 - Image. Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft 36:102-111.
    As two concepts that are both distinct and intertwined, creativity and mimesis have their own history of development. In the visual arts, both refer primarily to the principles, methods, and procedures of image production. The production of images is neither entirely arbitrary nor entirely plannable, but has its own logic, which lies between work and reality, the inner world and the outer world as well as tradition and innovation. The relevant discourses are influenced by the respective cultural-historical frameworks. Due to (...)
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  19. Dostoevsky's Poetics of Modern Freedom: Against Bakhtin's "Polyphonic" Moral Truth.Ava Wright - 2021 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 23 (1):72-85.
    In an influential treatise, Mikhail Bakhtin asserts that the aim of Dostoevsky's distinctive poetics is to advance a revolutionary, "polyphonic" model of moral truth. In this paper, I argue that while Bakhtin correctly identifies essential features of Dostoevsky's poetics, these features are better understood as oriented toward meeting the free modern individual's need to test ultimate moral ends and concomitant virtues in order to determine their truth. An Aristotelian poetics intended to educate audiences only in how to be virtuous to (...)
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  20. The Inauguration of Formalism: Aestheticism and the Productive Opacity Principle.Michalle Gal - 2022 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 2 (24):20-30.
    This essay presents the Aestheticism of the 19th century as the foundational movement of modernist-formalist aesthetics of the 20th century. The main principle of this movement is what I denominate “productive opacity”. Aestheticism has not been recognized as a philosophical aesthetic theory. However, its definition of artwork as an exclusive kind of form—a deep, opaque form—is among the most precise ever given in the discipline. This essay offers an interpretation of aestheticism as a formalist theory, referred to here as “deep (...)
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  21. Uno sguardo filosofico alla teoria della sensazione di Aristotele.Lorenzo Maria Pacini - manuscript
    splorando con interesse il vasto mondo delle scienze filosofiche, l’autore del presente saggio si è proposto di indagare la cosiddetta teoria della sensazione . Tema trattato da molti pensatori, sin dall’antichità esso ha affascinato ed occupato la specula zione di tuttele branche della materia, riscuotendo particolare successo ai giorni nostri con leneuroscienze, il cui progresso sta permettendo di coniugare la riflessione filosofica con lescoperte scientifiche, aprendo nuovi scenari di approfondimento e ridefinizione concettuale.Senza la pretesa di una completa esaustività, la presente (...)
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  22. The beauty of sound: Timbre as grounds for aesthetic and artistic value in music.Ben Mc Hugh - 2022 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    This thesis explores the concept of timbre through the lens of analytic philosophical aesthetics and philosophy of music. I argue that timbre should be thought of as providing the grounds for artistic and aesthetic values in music. To this end and firstly, I critique the physical sense of timbre in favour of two anti-realist senses of timbre. These two are the qualitative and the semantic senses which are developed from two of Siedenburg and McAdams’ four senses of timbre. I argue (...)
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  23. Um estudo sobre os universais em Ideias I.Nathalie Barbosa de La Cadena - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2):43-62.
    A questão dos universais permanece tema na filosofia tanto na ontologia como na epistemologia. Em Husserl, há universais particulares, o ‘X’ noemático, o idêntico, e universais stricto sensu, nomes universais atemporais. Neste artigo, apresento o tema conforme analisado por Husserl em Ideias I. Na primeira seção, descrevo a trajetória até os universais destacando o paralelismo entre noese e noema. Na segunda seção, traço o reflexo para a filosofia da linguagem também afetada pela correspondência noético-noemática. Na terceira e última seção, mostro (...)
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  24. Supervenience and Realization: Aesthetic Objects and their Properties.Michael Watkins - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):229-245.
    Aestheticians generally agree that the aesthetic features of an object depend upon the non-aesthetic features of an object, and that this dependence can be captured by some formulation of the supervenience relation. I argue that the aesthetic depends upon the non-aesthetic in various and importantly different ways; that these dependence relations cannot be explained by supervenience; that appeals to supervenience create puzzles that aestheticians have neither fully appreciated nor resolved; and that appealing to various realization relations avoids these puzzles and (...)
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  25. Empathie.Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran - 2021 - In Siegmund Judith (ed.), Handbuch Kunstphilosophie. Stuttgart: Utb.
    Dieser Beitrag handelt von der Empathie in der Kunst. Ich beginne mit einer Reflexion über die Ursprünge des Begriffes und seine Verwendung in der Ästhetik. Es folgt eine Analyse der Empathie im Vergleich zu anderen Formen der Anteilnahme an Kunstwerken. Im dritten Teil untersuche ich die Mechanismen der Empathie in der Kunst und die Funktion der Imagination. Der vierte Teil widmet sich der Bedeutung der Gefühle bei der Empathie für Kunstfiguren. Schließlich thematisiere ich den epistemischen, moralischen und ästhetischen Wert der (...)
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  26. Spur, Zeugnis und Imagination: Der Erkenntniswert von Dokumentarfilmen.Ingrid Vendrell Ferran - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 65 (1):147-167.
    In diesem Aufsatz argumentiere ich für die These, dass alle Dokumentarfilme darauf abzielen, uns Erkenntnis über einen Aspekt der Realität zu vermitteln. Dieser These zufolge sind Dokumentarfilme – im Unterschied zu anderen Filmgattungen – der Wirklichkeit verpflichtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund sollen in diesem Aufsatz zwei Aspekte genauer untersucht werden: zum einen, wie der kognitive Wert von Dokumentarfilmen genauer zu verstehen ist, und zum anderen, inwiefern ausgehend von diesem epistemischen Aspekt Unterscheidungskriterien zwischen Dokumentarfilmen und anderen Filmgattungen entwickelt werden können. Der Aufsatz (...)
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  27. On Hybrid Expressivism about Aesthetic Judgments.Sanna Hirvonen, Natalia Karczewska & Michał P. Sikorski - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (4):541-568.
    Contextualist accounts of aesthetic predicates have difficulties explaining why we feel that speakers are disagreeing when they make true and compatible but superficially contradictory aesthetic judgments. One possible way to account for the disagreement is hybrid expressivism, which holds that the disagreement happens at the level of pragmatically conveyed, clashing contents about the speakers’ conative states. Marques defends such a strategy, combining dispositionalism about value, contextualism, and hybrid expressivism. This paper critically evaluates the plausibility of the suggested pragmatic mechanisms in (...)
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  28. Introduction: The Place of Beauty in Contemporary Aesthetics.Ingrid Vendrell Ferran & Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - In Wolfgang Huemer & Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (eds.), Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. München, Deutschland: Philosophia.
    The notion of beauty has endured a troublesome history over the last few decades. While for centuries beauty has been considered one of the central values of art, there have also been times when it seemed old-fashioned to even mention the term. The present volume aims to explore the nature of beauty and to shed light its place in contemporary philosphy and art practice.
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  29. Close Looking and Conviction.Sam Rose - 2017 - Art History 40:156-77.
    This article analyses the processes involved in description and ‘close looking’ in relation to works of art. Aspects discussed include the often-unspoken appeal to a limited form of artistic intention, the use of ‘context’, and the way that pictorial features are manipulated in the service of interpretation. Ultimately the article shows how great a role the writers’ overarching assumptions (such as about the history of modernism) are likely to play in apparently object-focused analysis, and as such why we should be (...)
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  30. Aesthetic Properties, Mind-Independence, and Companions in Guilt.Daan Evers - 2019 - In Christopher Cowie & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.), Companions in Guilt: Arguments in Metaethics. Routledge.
    I first show how one might argue for a mind-independent conception of beauty and artistic merit. I then discuss whether this makes aesthetic judgements suitable to undermine skeptical worries about the existence of mind-independent moral value and categorical reasons.
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  31. Aristotle's Axology.Seyed Mohammad Hosseini - 2010 - Ayeneh Marefat 20 (7):95-121.
    This Paper attempts to Jude the axiology of Aristotle’s Philosophy based on Aristotelian Philosophy. For this Purpose, we will first Prove axiology as a kind of knowledge and then we will study the relation between axiology and two others knowledge domains, that is, ontology and epistemology. We will demonstrate that values like goodness and beauty, are same final cause and formal cause for explanation of values of every thing. At least, in the nature, goodness and beauty are the idea of (...)
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  32. PHIL4230 Photocopy Packet Surrealism (edited by V.I. Burke).Victoria I. Burke (ed.) - 2011 - Guelph: University of Guelph.
    This out-of-print, two-volume, photocopy packet, in the area of "Surrealism and the Politics of the Particular" includes readings on language, meaning, and surrealism from Adorno, Benjamin, McCumber, Breton, Heidegger, Freud, Kristeva, Ricouer, and Bataille.
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  33. Aesthetic ineffability.Silvia Jonas - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (2):e12396.
    This essay provides an overview of the ways in which contemporary philosophers have tried to make sense of ineffability as encountered in aesthetic contexts. Section 1 sets up the problem of aesthetic ineffability by putting it into historical perspective. Section 2 specifies the kinds of questions that may be raised with regard to aesthetic ineffability, as well as the kinds of answer each one of those questions would require. Section 3 investigates arguments that seek to locate aesthetic ineffability within the (...)
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  34. A contextualist semantics for aesthetic judgments.Lance Aschliman & Jordan Schummer - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (6):632-662.
    In this paper, we present and defend a modest anti-realist conception of aesthetic properties – e.g. being unified, moving, delicate, tragic, etc – in order to motivate a contextualist semantic view about aesthetic judgments. We argue that aesthetic properties are plausibly seen as viewpoint-dependent even though our epistemic access to the presence of aesthetic properties is decidedly more complicated than other, less controversial instances of viewpoint-dependent properties. On the basis of our anti-realist conception, we argue, utilizing the Kaplanian distinction between (...)
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  35. Aesthetic judge-dependence and expertise.Max Kölbel - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (6):589-617.
    This paper expounds and defends a judge-dependence account of aesthetic concepts, where aesthetic concepts are construed widely, to include for example both concepts of personal taste and more narrowly aesthetic concepts. According to such an account, it can depend on personal features of a judge whether it is correct for that judge to apply an aesthetic concept to a given object. After introducing and motivating the account, the article sets out to explain how some aesthetic questions can seem more objective (...)
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  36. An Absolutist Theory of Faultless Disagreement in Aesthetics.Carl Baker & Jon Robson - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):429-448.
    Some philosophers writing on the possibility of faultless disagreement have argued that the only way to account for the intuition that there could be disagreements which are faultless in every sense is to accept a relativistic semantics. In this article we demonstrate that this view is mistaken by constructing an absolutist semantics for a particular domain – aesthetic discourse – which allows for the possibility of genuinely faultless disagreements. We argue that this position is an improvement over previous absolutist responses (...)
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  37. The Other “in” the Self: The sense of self and the threat of relativism.Cristina Meini & Alfredo Paternoster - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:21-34.
    On the traditional view, a sense of selfhood appears relatively late in infancy, since to be, or to possess, a self is taken to require such capacities as language and metacognition. Recent research in psychology, however, shows that there are some rudimentary forms of self-consciousness already in the very first months of life. The exercise of these early abilities in interactional contexts with caretakers shapes gradually a sense of self, or a primitive form of what we also call “personal identity”, (...)
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  38. Semantic Realism and Aesthetic Realism.Francois Rastier & Rachael Ann Siciliano - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):74.
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  39. Reification and the Aesthetics of Music.Jonathan Lewis - 2015 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This innovative study re-evaluates the philosophical significance of aesthetics in the context of contemporary debates on the nature of philosophy. Lewis's main argument is that contemporary conceptions of meaning and truth have been reified, and that aesthetics is able to articulate why this is the case, with important consequences for understanding the horizons and nature of philosophical inquiry. _Reification and the Aesthetics of Music_ challenges the most emphatic and problematic conceptions of meaning and truth in both analytic philosophy and postmodern (...)
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  40. Beauty.Rafael De Clercq - 2013 - In Berys Gaut & Dominic Lopes (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics Third Edition. Routledge.
    This survey chapter focuses on two questions concerning the nature of beauty. First, can “beauty” be defined, and if so, how? Second, what is the relation between beauty and the mind; for example, between being beautiful and being judged beautiful, or between being beautiful and being the object of pleasure?
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  41. Aestheticism: Deep Formalism and the Emergence of Modernist Aesthetics.Michalle Gal - 2015 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This book offers, for the first time in aesthetics, a comprehensive account of aestheticism of the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century as a philosophical theory of its own right. Taking philosophical and art-historical viewpoints, this cross-disciplinary book presents aestheticism as the foundational movement of modernist aesthetics of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. Emerging in the writings of the foremost aestheticists - Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, James Whistler, and their formalist successors such as Clive Bell, Roger Fry, and Clement Greenberg - aestheticism offers a uniquely synthetic (...)
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  42. The New Subjectivism: Art in the 1980s.Donald Kuspit - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (4):400-400.
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  43. Aesthetic Realism.Lloyd Reinhardt - 1991 - Literature & Aesthetics 1:28-38.
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  44. The Alien Aesthetic of Speculative Realism, or, How Interpretation Lost the Battle to Materiality and How Comfortable this is to Humans.Roberto Simanowski - 2014 - Speculations:359-381.
  45. Art from a Wittgensteinian Perspective: Constitutive Norms in Context.Sonia Sedivy - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):67-82.
    This article offers a detailed textual reexamination of the ‘family resemblance’ passages to reconsider their implications for understanding art. The reassessment takes into account their broader context in the Philosophical Investigations, including the rule following considerations, and draws on a realist interpretive framework associated principally with the work of Cavell, Diamond, McDowell, and Putnam. Wittgensteinian “realism with a human face” helps us discern that the primary issue is not whether certain concepts are definable, posing a stark opposition between essentialism and (...)
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  46. Aesthetic Realism 2.John Bender - 2003 - In Jerrold Levinson (ed.), The Oxford handbook of aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 80-98.
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  47. Truth Without Objectivity.Max Kölbel - 2002 - London and New York: Routledge.
    The mainstream view in the philosophy of language holds that every meaningful sentence has a truth-condition. This view, however, runs into difficulties with non-objective sentences such as sentences on matters of taste or value: these do not appear to be either true or false, but are generally taken to be meaningful. How can this conflict be resolved? -/- Truth Without Objectivity examines various ways of resolving this fundamental problem, before developing and defending its own original solution, a relativist theory of (...)
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  48. Om relativism eller omöjligheten att lyfta sig i håret.Lars-Olof Åhlberg - 1994 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 7 (11).
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  49. Relativism and the Evaluation of Art.James O. Young - 1997 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (1):9.
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  50. Aesthetic Normativity and Realism.Jan Hrkut - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (5):353-361.
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