Results for 'Nicole Rutten'

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  1. Le concept de simplicité dans la philosophie Des sciences de K. Popper.Nicole Thyssen-Rutten - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  2. La logique de la découverte scientifique.Karl Popper, Nicole Thyssen-Rutten, Philippe Devaux & Jacques Monod - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):74-75.
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    Drug addiction and criminal responsibility.Jeanette Kennett, Nicole A. Vincent & Anke Snoek - 2014 - In Levy Neil & Clausen Jens (eds.), Handbook on Neuroethics. Springer. pp. 1065-1083.
    Recent studies reveal some of the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in drug addiction. This prompts some theorists to claim that drug addiction diminishes responsibility. Stephen Morse however rejects this claim. Morse argues that these studies show that drug addiction involves neither compulsion, coercion, nor irrationality. He also adds that addicted people are responsible for becoming addicted and for failing to take measures to manage their addiction. After summarizing relevant neuroscience of addiction literature, this chapter engages critically with Morse to argue that (...)
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  4. The Relationship Between Anxiety and Self-Esteem Among Senior High School Students.Elisha Mae Batiola, Nicole Boleche, Savanah Waverly Falcis & Jhoselle Tus - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (1):1-8.
    Self-esteem can influence educational success, and educational success can also be influenced by self-esteem. Hence, high self-esteem has been recognized as a key predictor of academic success in students. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between self-esteem and anxiety of senior high school students. Employing descriptive-correlational design with 194 senior high school students enrolled in private schools during the school year 2021-2022. Based on the statistical analysis, there is a correlation between self-esteem and anxiety (r.=.125).
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    Les féministes chinoises dans la Chine d’aujourd’hui : résistance et dilemmes.Wang Zheng & Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-267 (3-4):217-233.
    Cet article retrace les changements intervenus au sein du militantisme féministe chinois dans un climat de détérioration politique deux décennies après la Quatrième Conférence mondiale sur les femmes (QCMF) en 1995. Il met en lumière les actions novatrices menées par les jeunes féministes, de même que l’intense surveillance qu’exerce, sur le militantisme organisé, un État totalitaire qui craint de perdre son pouvoir. Bien que la sphère publique et le cyber espace ne laissent guère beaucoup de place à l’activisme, les féministes (...)
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    Digital Contact Tracing, Privacy, and Public Health.Nicole Martinez-Martin, Sarah Wieten, David Magnus & Mildred K. Cho - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):43-46.
    Digital contact tracing, in combination with widespread testing, has been a focal point for many plans to “reopen” economies while containing the spread of Covid‐19. Most digital contact tracing projects in the United States and Europe have prioritized privacy protections in the form of local storage of data on smartphones and the deidentification of information. However, in the prioritization of privacy in this narrow form, there is not sufficient attention given to weighing ethical trade‐offs within the context of a public (...)
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    Cognitive neuroscience of human counterfactual reasoning.Nicole Van Hoeck - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Imitative flexibility and the development of cultural learning.Cristine H. Legare, Nicole J. Wen, Patricia A. Herrmann & Harvey Whitehouse - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):351-361.
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    Bridging the AI Chasm: Can EBM Address Representation and Fairness in Clinical Machine Learning?Nicole Martinez-Martin & Mildred K. Cho - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):30-32.
    McCradden et al. propose to close the “AI chasm” between algorithms and clinically meaningful application using the norms of evidence-based medicine and clinical research, with the rat...
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    Patientenselbstbestimmung und Patientenverfügungen aus der Sicht von Patienten mit amyotropher Lateralsklerose.Dipl Psych Nicole Burchardi, Oliver Rauprich & Jochen Vollmann - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (1):7-21.
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    What happens after technology adoption? Gendered aspects of small-scale irrigation technologies in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Tanzania.Sophie Theis, Nicole Lefore, Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Elizabeth Bryan - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):671-684.
    Diverse agricultural technologies are promoted to increase yields and incomes, save time, improve food and nutritional security, and even empower women. Yet a gender gap in technology adoption remains for many agricultural technologies, even for those that are promoted for women. This paper complements the literature on gender and technology adoption, which largely focuses on reasons for low rates of female technology adoption, by shifting attention to what happens within a household after it adopts a technology. Understanding the expected benefits (...)
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    Stakeholders' Responses to CSR Tradeoffs: When Other-Orientation and Trust Trump Material Self-Interest.Flore Bridoux, Nicole Stofberg & Deanne Den Hartog - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Editors' Introduction.Jessica Stanier, Nicole Miglio & Luna Dolezal - 2022 - Puncta 5 (1):1-12.
    Editors' introduction to Puncta's February 2022 Special Issue, "Pandemic Politics and Phenomenology.".
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    Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity.Janet K. Shim, Nicole Foti, Emily Vasquez, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Michael Bentz, Melanie Jeske & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):185-196.
    Background In the wake of mandates for biomedical research to increase participation by members of historically underrepresented populations, community engagement (CE) has emerged as a key intervention to help achieve this goal.Methods Using interviews, observations, and document analysis, we examine how stakeholders in precision medicine research understand and seek to put into practice ideas about who to engage, how engagement should be conducted, and what engagement is for.Results We find that ad hoc, opportunistic, and instrumental approaches to CE exacted significant (...)
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    Logique de Port-Royal ([Nouvelle Edition]).Antoine Arnauld & Pierre Nicole - 2012 - Hachette Livre - Bnf.
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    New Malaise: Bioethics and Human Rights in the Global Era.Paul Farmer & Nicole Gastineau Campos - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):243-251.
    First, to what level of quality can medical ethics a spire, if it ignores callous discrimination in medrcal practice against large populations of the innocent poor? Second, how effective can such theories be in addressing the critical issues of medical and clinical ethics if they are unable to contribute to the closing of the gap of sociomedical disparity?Marcio Fabri dos Anjos, Medical Ethics in the Developing World: A Liberation Theology Perspective.
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    Economic analysis for clinical practice – the case of 31 national consensus guidelines in the Netherlands.Louis W. Niessen, Els Grijseels, Marc Koopmanschap & Frans Rutten - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):68-78.
  18.  23
    Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.Caitlin E. McMahon, Nicole Foti, Melanie Jeske, William R. Britton, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Janet K. Shim & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):108-119.
    Background Over the last decade, the return of results (ROR) in precision medicine research (PMR) has become increasingly routine. Calls for individual rights to research results have extended the “duty to report” from clinically useful genetic information to traits and ancestry results. ROR has thus been reframed as inherently beneficial to research participants, without a needed focus on who benefits and how. This paper addresses this gap, particularly in the context of PMR aimed at increasing participant diversity, by providing investigator (...)
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    Hybrid Production Regimes and Labor Agency in Transnational Private Governance.Jean-Christophe Graz, Nicole Helmerich & Cécile Prébandier - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):307-321.
    Little consensus exists about the effectiveness of transnational private governance in domains such as labor, the environment, or human rights. The paper builds on recent scholarship on labor standards to emphasize the role of labor agency in transnational private governance. It argues that the relationship between transnational private regulatory initiatives and labor agency depends on three competences: first, the ability of workers’ organizations to gain access to processes of employment regulation, implementation, and monitoring; second, their ability to insist on the (...)
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    Individual differences in the Simon effect are underpinned by differences in the competitive dynamics in the basal ganglia: An experimental verification and a computational model.Andrea Stocco, Nicole L. Murray, Brianna L. Yamasaki, Taylor J. Renno, Jimmy Nguyen & Chantel S. Prat - 2017 - Cognition 164 (C):31-45.
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    Human and Non-Human Migration: Understanding Species Introduction and Translocation through Migration Ethics.David Switzer & Nicole Frances Angeli - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (4):443-463.
    Despite the propensity of species introductions to disrupt ecosystems through community disassembly, the use of species translocations is becoming more widely accepted. In this paper, we examine ethical investigations into human migration in an attempt to evaluate how translocation may be justified. Previous attempts to make the analogy between human and species migration have been prone to black and white thinking. We argue that the disagreement between nativist and cosmopolitan approaches to introduced species can be defused by extending the analogy (...)
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    Cultivating values: environmental values and sense of place as correlates of sustainable agricultural practices.Noa Kekuewa Lincoln & Nicole M. Ardoin - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):389-401.
    To assess whether and how environmental values and sense of place relate to sustainable farming practices, we conducted a study in South Kona, Hawaii, addressing environmental values, sense of place, and farm sustainability in five categories: environmental health, community engagement and food security, culture and history, education and research, and economics. We found that the sense of place and environmental values indexes showed significant correlation to each category of sustainability in both independent linear regressions and multivariate regression. In total, sense (...)
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    Rethinking Health and Human Rights: Time for a Paradigm Shift.Paul Farmer & Nicole Gastineau - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):655-666.
    Medicine and its allied health sciences have for too long been peripherally involved in work on human rights. Fifty years ago, the door to greater involvement was opened by Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which underlined social and economic rights: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in (...)
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    Revisiting Human-Agent Communication: The Importance of Joint Co-construction and Understanding Mental States.Stefan Kopp & Nicole Krämer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:580955.
    The study of human-human communication and the development of computational models for human-agent communication have diverged significantly throughout the last decade. Yet, despite frequently made claims of “super-human performance” in, e.g., speech recognition or image processing, so far, no system is able to lead a half-decent coherent conversation with a human. In this paper, we argue that we must start to re-consider the hallmarks of cooperative communication and the core capabilities that we have developed for it, and which conversational agents (...)
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    Brain Activity Associated With Expected Task Difficulty.Miek J. de Dreu, Irena T. Schouwenaars, Geert-Jan M. Rutten, Nick F. Ramsey & Johan M. Jansma - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  26.  31
    Network Approach to Understanding Emotion Dynamics in Relation to Childhood Trauma and Genetic Liability to Psychopathology: Replication of a Prospective Experience Sampling Analysis.Laila Hasmi, Marjan Drukker, Sinan Guloksuz, Claudia Menne-Lothmann, Jeroen Decoster, Ruud van Winkel, Dina Collip, Philippe Delespaul, Marc De Hert, Catherine Derom, Evert Thiery, Nele Jacobs, Bart P. F. Rutten, Marieke Wichers & Jim van Os - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ousia dans la philosophie grecque des origines à Aristote.Andre Motte, Pierre Somville, Marc-Antoine Gavray, A. Lefka, Denis Seron & Christian Rutten (eds.) - 2008 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Fruit d'une large collaboration interuniversitaire, cet ouvrage, qui fait suite a une publication consacree a eidos, idea et morphe, expose les resultats d'une enquete qui a porte sur tous les emplois du mot ousia dans la philosophie grecque jusqu'a Aristote ; il commence par un apercu des significations du mot dans la litterature non philosophique. Est ainsi offert un cadre de reference exhaustif pour l'etude d'une notion qui compte parmi les plus importantes et aussi les plus complexes de l'histoire de (...)
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    Whole brain myelin mapping using T1- and T2-weighted MR imaging data.Marco Ganzetti, Nicole Wenderoth & Dante Mantini - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Entangled Humanism as a Political Project: William Connolly’s Facing the Planetary.Anatoli Ignatov, Nicole Grove, Alexander Livingston & William E. Connolly - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):115-134.
  30. (2 other versions)La logique ou l’art de penser contenant outre les règles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres à former le jugement.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Nicole & Guillaume Desprez - 1970 - Paris: Flammarion. Edited by Pierre Nicole.
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    Logica sive ars cogitandi in qua praeter vulgares regulas plurima nova habentur circa mentis operationes, et methodum cogitationes suas ordine optima dirigendi.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Nicole & Wetstein en Smith - 1736 - Apud J. Wetstenium Et G. Smith.
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    Valéry, la logique, le langage: la logique du langage dans la théorie littéraire et la philosophie de la connaissance.Nicole Celeyrette-Pietri & Antonia Soulez - 1988
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    Avant-propos.Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-267 (3-4):4-8.
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    A generalization of Whitehead’s problem and its independence.Rüdiger Göbel, Nicole Hülsmann & Lutz Strüngmann - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 148 (1):20-30.
    For certain classes of Dedekind domains S we want to characterize S-modules U such that Ext=0 for some module SMQ. We shall call these modules M-Whitehead modules. On the one hand we will show that assuming all M-Whitehead modules U are S0-free, i.e. US0 is a free S0-module where S0 is the nucleus of M. On the other hand if there is a ladder system on a stationary subset of ω1 that satisfies 2-uniformization, then there exists a non-S0-free M-Whitehead module. (...)
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    Pupillary responses reveal infants’ discrimination of facial emotions independent of conscious perception.Sarah Jessen, Nicole Altvater-Mackensen & Tobias Grossmann - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):163-169.
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    Big Data, Corporate Surveillance and Public Health.Nicole Martinez-Martin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):79-81.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 79-81.
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    Sea for the landlocked: a sustainable development goal?Paula Casal & Nicole Selamé - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (3):270-279.
    Outside Europe landlocked states are poor: 16 are extremely poor and another 16 very poor. The Sustainable Development Goals recognise their lack of sea-access as a major cause of their reduced chances of escaping poverty and reaching the stated goals. This paper proposes including corridors to the sea and other forms of sea-access among the SDGs. It also discusses objections to doing so that appeal to the rejection of global egalitarian arguments, to the possibility of compensating those countries for their (...)
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    Does hindsight bias change perceptions of business ethics?Frank Sligo & Nicole Stirton - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (2):111-124.
    Ethical decision theory may not be sufficiently well developed to furnish reliable guidelines to people involved in complex decision making that involves conflict between ethical considerations and business imperatives such as making a profit. In conditions of ethical uncertainty hindsight bias may occur, and this study reports on an exploration of hindsight bias effects among participants in continuing education in business programmes. Perceptions of business ethics were found to differ among groups within the sample depending on what they thought had (...)
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    Le livre de politiques d'Aristote. Aristotle & Nicole Oresme - 1970 - Philadelphia,: American Philosophical Society. Edited by Nicole Oresme & Albert Douglas Menut.
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  40. Logique de Port-Royal Suivie des Trois Fragments de Pascal Sur L'autorité En Matière de Philosophie, L'esprit Géométrique Et L'art de Persuader.Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, Blaise Pascal & Charles Jourdain - 1861 - Librairie de L. Hachette Et Cie.
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    Patientenselbstbestimmung und Patientenverfügungen aus der Sicht von Patienten mit amyotropher Lateralsklerose.Dipl Psych Nicole Burchardi, Oliver Rauprich & Prof Dr Jochen Vollmann - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (1):7-21.
    Patientenselbstbestimmung und Patientenverfügungen haben zunehmende Bedeutung und Beachtung erfahren. In der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie wurden 15 Patientinnen und Patienten mit amyotropher Lateralsklerose —einer unheilbaren, chronisch-degenerativen Erkrankung mit vorhersehbarer Symptomatik—interviewt, um zu erfahren, welche Werte und Kriterien sie bei prospektiven Entscheidungen am Lebensende und bei der Abfassung von PV zugrunde legen. Die Auswertung erfolgte nach der Methode der „grounded theory“. Die befragten Patientinnen und Patienten befürworteten einen Verzicht auf lebenserhaltende Behandlungen, wenn sie keine hinreichenden Lebensmöglichkeiten mehr sahen, d. h. wenn sie (...)
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    Happiness, Cerebroscopes and Incorrigibility: Prospects for Neuroeudaimonia.Stephanie M. Hare & Nicole A. Vincent - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):69-84.
    Suppose you want to live a happy life. Who should you turn to for advice? We normally think that we know best about our own happiness. But recent work in psychology and neuroscience suggests that we are often mistaken about our own natures, and that sometimes scientists know us better than we know ourselves. Does this mean that to live a happy life we should ask scientists for advice rather than relying on our introspection? In what follows, we highlight ways (...)
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    Emotion, working memory task demands and individual differences predict behavior, cognitive effort and negative affect.Justin Storbeck, Nicole A. Davidson, Chelsea F. Dahl, Sara Blass & Edwin Yung - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (1):95-117.
    We examined whether positive and negative affect motivates verbal and spatial working memory processes, respectively, which have implications for the expenditure of mental effort. We argue that when emotion promotes cognitive tendencies that are goal incompatible with task demands, greater cognitive effort is required to perform well. We sought to investigate whether this increase in cognitive effort impairs behavioural control over a broad domain of self-control tasks. Moreover, we predicted that individuals with higher behavioural inhibition system (BIS) sensitivities would report (...)
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    Cognitive aging and hearing acuity: modeling spoken language comprehension.Arthur Wingfield, Nicole M. Amichetti & Amanda Lash - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Ethical Implications of Environmental Racism: Considerations for Advancing Health Equity.Alice Story, Nicole Bell, Sophie Schott, Faith Fletcher & Jelani Kerr - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):35-37.
    In “The Bioethics of Environmental Injustice: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Implications of Unhealthy Environments,” Ray and Cooper (2024) initiate needed discourse on environmental justice and the...
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    Out of Control – Privacy Calculus and the Effect of Perceived Control and Moral Considerations on the Usage of IoT Healthcare Devices.Evgenia Princi & Nicole C. Krämer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Impact Factor Fallacy.Frieder M. Paulus, Nicole Cruz & Sören Krach - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:324900.
    The use of the journal impact factor (JIF) as a measure for the quality of individual manuscripts and the merits of scientists has faced significant criticism in recent years. We add to the current criticism in arguing that such an application of the JIF in policy and decision making in academia is based on false beliefs and unwarranted inferences. To approach the problem, we use principles of deductive and inductive reasoning to illustrate the fallacies that are inherent to using journal (...)
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    Psychological ownership: The implicit association between self and already-owned versus newly-owned objects.A. Nicole LeBarr & Judith M. Shedden - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48 (C):190-197.
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    Viewing CAI as a Tool Within the Mental Health Care System.Nicole Martinez-Martin - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):57-59.
    Sedlakova and Trachsel (2023) advocate for a holistic approach to assessing ethical application of conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) in mental health therapy. They first describe CAI as...
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    The Marcusean mind.Eduardo Altheman C. Santos, Jina Fast, Nicole K. Mayberry & Sid Simpson (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) was as a leading figure of 1960s counter-culture and hailed as a 'Guru of the New Left'. His ideas and theories, inspired by a rich fusion of Marxian and Freudian thought, exert a strong influence on contemporary thinking about activism, emancipation and political resistance. He was also member of the Frankfurt School and a student of Heidegger in the late 1920s and engaged deeply with philosophy throughout his career. The Marcusean Mind is an outstanding survey and assessment (...)
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