Results for 'Bernard Guy'

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  1.  46
    Brain Oscillations in Sport: Toward EEG Biomarkers of Performance.Guy Cheron, Géraldine Petit, Julian Cheron, Axelle Leroy, Anita Cebolla, Carlos Cevallos, Mathieu Petieau, Thomas Hoellinger, David Zarka, Anne-Marie Clarinval & Bernard Dan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (1 other version)Meaning, Truth and Negation.Bernard Harrison & Guy Stock - 1983 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 57 (1):179-206.
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    Penser ensemble le temps et l’espace.Bernard Guy - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15 (3):91-113.
    Nous proposons de penser ensemble les concepts d’espace et de temps : ils concernent les mêmes degrés de liberté des éléments du monde et fonctionnent toujours en tandem. Leurs fondements doivent être discutés, non dans une pensée de la substance (chacun est défini par une série de caractères qui lui sont propres), mais dans une pensée de la relation (chacun se définit en opposition à l’autre). Nous opposons des relations spatiales à des relations temporelles, ou encore des relations d’immobilité à (...)
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    Hethitica 2.George C. Moore, Guy Jucquois, René Lebrun, Bernard Devlamminck & Rene Lebrun - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):180.
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  5. Can Neuroscience Contribute to Practical Ethics? A Critical Review and Discussion of the Methodological and Translational Challenges of the Neuroscience of Ethics.Eric Racine, Veljko Dubljević, Ralf J. Jox, Bernard Baertschi, Julia F. Christensen, Michele Farisco, Fabrice Jotterand, Guy Kahane & Sabine Müller - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (5):328-337.
    Neuroethics is an interdisciplinary field that arose in response to novel ethical challenges posed by advances in neuroscience. Historically, neuroethics has provided an opportunity to synergize different disciplines, notably proposing a two-way dialogue between an ‘ethics of neuroscience’ and a ‘neuroscience of ethics’. However, questions surface as to whether a ‘neuroscience of ethics’ is a useful and unified branch of research and whether it can actually inform or lead to theoretical insights and transferable practical knowledge to help resolve ethical questions. (...)
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    Long-Lasting Cortical Reorganization as the Result of Motor Imagery of Throwing a Ball in a Virtual Tennis Court.Ana M. Cebolla, Mathieu Petieau, Carlos Cevallos, Axelle Leroy, Bernard Dan & Guy Cheron - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Opera and the Limits of Philosophy: on Bernard Williams's Music Criticism: Articles.Guy Dammann - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (4):469-479.
    This paper provides a reading of the opera criticism of Bernard Williams in the light of his philosophical writings. Beginning with the observations that his philosophical writing lacks engagement with musical and aesthetic issues, and his operatic writing appears to present no particular philosophy of the subject, I try to draw together certain themes by mapping Williams's operatic concerns onto his philosophical project more generally. I argue that the 'excessive' nature of the artform—the idea that opera tends to exceed (...)
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche's Psychology of Ressentiment: Revenge and Justice in On the Genealogy of Morals by Guy Elgat.Bernard Reginster - 2019 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 50 (1):174-179.
    In Nietzsche's Psychology of Ressentiment, Guy Elgat develops an interpretation of some of the central themes of Nietzsche's GM, which is one of his most systematic works and a pivotal part of his critique of the modern moral outlook that grew out of Christianity. Elgat's original approach is framed by two fundamental ideas: first, Nietzsche takes the concept of "moral justice" to be central to the morality he sets out to criticize; second, Nietzsche's suspicion toward moral justice is rooted in (...)
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  9. Just the Right Thickness: A Defense of Second-Wave Virtue Epistemology.Guy Axtell & J. Adam Carter - 2008 - Philosophical Papers 37 (3):413-434.
    Abstract Do the central aims of epistemology, like those of moral philosophy, require that we designate some important place for those concepts located between the thin-normative and the non-normative? Put another way, does epistemology need "thick" evaluative concepts and with what do they contrast? There are inveterate traditions in analytic epistemology which, having legitimized a certain way of viewing the nature and scope of epistemology's subject matter, give this question a negative verdict; further, they have carried with them a tacit (...)
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    Vindicating Reasons.Guy Longworth - 2022 - The Monist 105 (4):558-573.
    What is the philosophical role of an historical account of how someone, or some people, came to believe or value as they do? I consider some proposals, due to Bernard Williams and David Wiggins, according to which such an account might either vindicate or subvert our believing or valuing as we do. I suggest some reasons for scepticism about those proposals, at least when construed as providing a fundamental means of assessing cases of believing or valuing. The main problem (...)
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    The Ecstasy of Communication.Bernard Schütze & Caroline Schütze (eds.) - 2012 - Semiotext(E).
    "The need to speak, even if one has nothing to say, becomes more pressing when one has nothing to say, just as the will to live becomes more urgent when life has lost its meaning."--from _The Ecstasy of Communication _First published in France in 1987, _ The Ecstasy of Communication_ was Baudrillard's summarization of his work for a postdoctoral degree at the Sorbonne: a dense, poetically crystalline essay that boiled down two decades of radical, provocative theory into an aphoristically eloquent (...)
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    Frege and The Picture Theory: A Reply to Guy Stock.Bernard Harrison - 1986 - Philosophical Investigations 9 (2):134-139.
  13.  19
    Author, author.Bernard MacGregor Walker Knox - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):76-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Author, AuthorBernard KnoxThe title of this essay is not a reference to that enthusiastic but misguided shout from his friends in the audience at the St. James Theatre in 1895 that brought a reluctant Henry James to the stage at the end of his play Guy Domville, only to be greeted by whistles, shouts, and insults from the irate denizens of the gallery, one of whom had somewhat spoiled (...)
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  14. Feeling pain for the very first time: The normative knowledge argument.Guy Kahane - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (1):20-49.
    In this paper I present a new argument against internalist theories of practical reason. My argument is inpired by Frank Jackson's celebrated Knowledge Argument. I ask what will happen when an agent experiences pain for the first time. Such an agent, I argue, will gain new normative knowledge that internalism cannot explain. This argument presents a similar difficulty for other subjectivist and constructivist theories of practical reason and value. I end by suggesting that some debates in meta-ethics and in the (...)
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    LAURET, Bernard, REFOULÉ, François, dir., Initiation à la pratique de la théologie. Tome III. Dogmatique IILAURET, Bernard, REFOULÉ, François, dir., Initiation à la pratique de la théologie. Tome III. Dogmatique II. [REVIEW]Gilberte Baril & Jean-Guy Pagé - 1987 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 43 (3):397-399.
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    The Utility of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Philosophy for Philosophical Counseling.Guy du Plessis - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):252-277.
    This article explores the potential utility of certain features of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical concepts for philosophical counselling. Central to the philosophical counseling process is philosophical counsellors applying the ideas of philosophers or philosophical system to inspire, educate, and guide their counselees in dealing with life problems. For example, the philosophical practice methodology of Logic-based Therapy, developed by American philosopher Elliot Cohen, provides a rational framework for confronting problems of living, where the counselor helps the counselee find an uplifting philosophy that (...)
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  17. The physician as a mecanico-chemist philosopher according to Etienne-François Geoffroy (1672-1731). [REVIEW]Bernard Joly - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    Le 31 mai 1703, Étienne-François Geoffroy, qui était alors chimiste à l’Académie royale des sciences, soutint une thèse de médecine présidée par Guy-Crescent Fagon à la Faculté de médecine de Paris sous le titre An medicus, Philosophus Mechanico-Chymicus? S’appuyant notamment sur les travaux de Varignon pour la mécanique et de Homberg pour la chimie, Geoffroy montre que le corps humain n’est pas seulement une merveilleuse machine hydrostatique, mais aussi une machine d’un ordre supérieur, dont seule la chimie peut rendre compte (...)
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    Saint Bonaventure: études sur les sources de sa pensée.Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1989 - Northampton: Routledge.
    In the history of Christian thought, St Bonaventure stands out as the pre-eminent Franciscan philosopher of the 13th century and as a key figure in the development of the spiritual theology of the Church. The four studies which constitute this volume present detailed investigations into some of the principal sources from which Bonaventure drew his inspiration, from Antiquity through to St Bernard in the century before his own. Proceeding from a careful analysis of the quotations he makes from these (...)
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    Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, with Guy Granger and contributions by Justine Bayley, Elisabeth Crowfoot, Bernard Denston et al., The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Worthy Park, Kingsworthy, near Winchester, Hampshire. Drawings by Marion Cox, Elizabeth Fry-Stone, and Chris Unwin. Photographs by Sonia Chadwick Hawkes and English Heritage. (Oxford University School of Archaeology, Monograph 59.) Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, 2003. Pp. xii, 222; many black-and-white figures, 10 black-and-white plates, and tables. $40. [REVIEW]Frank Siegmund - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):198-199.
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  20. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in (...)
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    Frederick Pavy (1829–1911) and his opposition to the glycogenic theory of Claude Bernard.Robert Tattersall - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (4):361-374.
    For more than 50 years the Guy's Hospital physician Frederick Pavy attempted to discredit the theory of his erstwhile teacher, Claude Bernard, that liver glycogen was broken down to supply sugar to the systemic circulation. His opposition was driven by his clinical perceptions and was based on two assumptions: the first was that the kidney was a simple filter through which small molecules would diffuse, so that sugar had to be prevented from reaching the systemic circulation. For Pavy, the (...)
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  22. The Luck Argument Against Libertarianism.Bernard Berofsky - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel (eds.), Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 66-84.
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    Biological implications of a Global Workspace theory of consciousness: Evidence, theory, and some phylogenetic speculations.Bernard J. Baars - 1987 - In Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach (eds.), Cognition, Language, and Consciousness: Integrative Levels. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 209--236.
  24. Free Will in the History of Philosophy.Bernard Berofsky - 1970 - In Robert Audi (ed.), Dictionary of the History of Ideas.
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  25. God's Beloved: Jesus' Experience of the Transcendent.Bernard J. Cooke - 1992
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  26. Practical necessity.Bernard Williams - 1982 - In Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon, Brian Hebblethwaite & Stewart R. Sutherland (eds.), The Philosophical frontiers of Christian theology: essays presented to D.M. MacKinnon. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  27. Hylomorphism.Bernard Williams - 1986 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 4:189-99.
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    Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness.Bernard J. Baars & J. B. Newman (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Current thinking and research on consciousness and the brain.
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    The Principles of Representative Government.Bernard Manin - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    A survey of democratic institutions and republics reveals the aristocratic origins of democracy.
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    Beyond perceptual symbols: A call for representational pluralism.Guy Dove - 2009 - Cognition 110 (3):412-431.
    Recent evidence from cognitive neuroscience suggests that certain cognitive processes employ perceptual representations. Inspired by this evidence, a few researchers have proposed that cognition is inherently perceptual. They have developed an innovative theoretical approach that rests on the notion of perceptual simulation and marshaled several general arguments supporting the centrality of perceptual representations to concepts. In this article, I identify a number of weaknesses in these arguments and defend a multiple semantic code approach that posits both perceptual and non-perceptual representations.
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    Moral values of Dutch physicians in relation to requests for euthanasia: a qualitative study.Guy Widdershoven, Natalie Evans, Fijgje de Boer & Marjanne van Zwol - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundIn the Netherlands, patients have the legal right to make a request for euthanasia to their physician. However, it is not clear what it means in a moral sense for a physician to receive a request for euthanasia. The aim of this study is to explore the moral values of physicians regarding requests for euthanasia. MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with nine primary healthcare physicians involved in decision-making about euthanasia. The data were inductively analyzed which lead to the emergence of themes, (...)
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  32. Dear Prudence: the nature and normativity of prudential discourse.Guy Fletcher - 2021 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers have long theorized about what makes people's lives go well, and why, and the extent to which morality and self-interest can be reconciled. However, we have spent little time on meta-prudential questions, questions about prudential discourse—thought and talk about what is good and bad for us; what contributes to well-being; and what we have prudential reason, or prudentially ought, to do. This situation is surprising given that prudence is, prima facie, a normative form of discourse and cries out for (...)
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    Hand Transplants and Bodily Integrity.Guy Widdershoven & Jenny Slatman - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):69-92.
    In this article, we present an analysis of bodily integrity in hand transplants from a phenomenological narrative perspective, while drawing on two contrasting case stories. We consider bodily integrity as the subjective bodily experience of wholeness which, instead of referring to actual bodily intactness, involves a positive identification with one’s physical body. Bodily mutilations, such as the loss of a hand, may severely affect one’s bodily integrity. A possible restoration of one’s experience of wholeness requires a process of re-identification. Medical (...)
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  34. (3 other versions)Justice as a Virtue.Bernard Williams - 1980 - In Amélie Rorty (ed.), Essays on Aristotle's Ethics. University of California Press. pp. 189--200.
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  35. A neurobiological interpretation of the global workspace theory of consciousness.Bernard J. Baars & J. B. Newman - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen (eds.), Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  36. The Christian View of Science and Scripture.Bernard Ramm - 1954
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  37. From the associationist unconscious to the unconscious structured like a language.Guy Trobas - 2002 - In Gertrudis Van de Vijver & Filip Geerardyn (eds.), The Pre-Psychoanalytic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Karnac Books. pp. 233-240.
  38. (1 other version)A mistrustful animal.Bernard Williams - 2009 - In Alex Voorhoeve (ed.), Conversations on ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Empirical ethics in psychiatry.Guy Widdershoven (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatry presents a unique array of difficult ethical questions. However, a major challenge is to approach psychiatry in a way that does justice to the real ethical issues. Recently there has been a growing body of research in empirical psychiatric ethics, and an increased interest in how empirical and philosophical methods can be combined. Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry demonstrates how ethics can engage more closely with the reality of psychiatric practice and shows how empirical methodologies from the social sciences can (...)
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    Improving Care and Ethics: A Plea for Interactive Empirical Ethics.Guy Widdershoven, Bert Molewijk & Tineke Abma - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):99-101.
  41. Apresentação do número temático de filosofia medieval.Guy Hamelin - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (1):5-8.
    O VIIº Colóquio de História da Filosofia Medieval , realizado em novembro de 2009 em Brasília, foi dedicado ao tema: “Argumentação e interpretação na Filosofia Medieval”. Na ocasião, sete medievalistas brasileiros e estrangeiros encontraram-se para apresentar seu trabalho e discutir o assunto. O encontro foi possível graças à ajuda financeira do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília e da CAPES. Aproveitamos o espaço para agradecê-los. Apresentamos, no presente número temático, seis artigos ligados direta ou indiretamente a essa questão.
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    How to Support Patient and Family in Dealing with Ethical Issues? The Relevance of Moral Case Deliberation.Guy Widdershoven, Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Suzanne Metselaar - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):70-72.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 70-72.
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    Political philosophy at the closure of metaphysics.Bernard Flynn - 1992 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    This work considers the consequences for political philosophy of what contemporary philosophers have called the end, or closure, especially in the works of Nietzsche and Heidegger.
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    Truth, Politics, and Self-Deception.Bernard Williams - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  45. Brain Death and Organ Removal: Revisiting a High-Stakes Question.Bernard N. Schumacher - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (4).
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  46. A Handbook of Contemporary Theology.Bernard Ramm - 1966
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  47. Re-Imagine the World: An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus.Bernard Brandon Scott - 2001
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    Ethical Dilemmas in the Practice of DBS.Guy Widdershoven, Gerben Meynen, Laura Hartman & Damiaan Denys - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):83-85.
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  49. Merleau-ponty and the philosophical position of skepticism.Bernard Flynn - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
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    Cratylus' theory of names and its refutation.Bernard Williams - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--28.
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